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Posted by 4zb4, Sep 15, 2013 at 1:03 am

Aha! Much appreciated, Chaostrom.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 14, 2013 at 9:38 pm
Hello everyone, things are dying down again around here (not that it was particularly lively) so I figured I'd revive an old challenge from years ago to keep things interesting and still IVAN related.

The challenge is this:
Get Sherarax to Spawn in New Attnam and Defeat Her Without Leaving the Island

"Impossible!" I hear you say, but hear me out! That is only half the challenge!
The other half is figuring out how to edit the script files to 1) Spawn Sherry in New Attnam, and 2) Edit the script well enough to be able to defeat her

"How do I do that?! I don't even know how to program!"
Do not worry - the script files are not so hard to understand once you look through them, are editable with notepad, and I shall provide a few hints. Chiefly, all you will need to do is observe how the items, NPCs and materials already present work, and copy/paste as needed.
Read. Observe. Understand. Experiment.
Oh and do not forget to make backups in case you make mistakes.

  1. You may not leave the island of New Attnam. UT counts as leaving the island
  2. You must only use items spawned on your character or dropped in New Attnam
  3. Almost any editing of any script file is permitted - and encouraged! Get creative and learn while doing it!
  4. For the above: you may not edit Sherarax's script entry. You may not modify any default character or material's stats.
  5. No wizard mode - done right it is not even necessary
  6. You may use either IVAN 0.50 or CVS. No LIVAN, CLIVAN, or other variants.
  7. Sherarax must die and a screenshot with either her corpse or head posted. The method of her death is up to you.

SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.
  • The player's entry in char.dat is titled "playerkind"
  • To get an idea of how to equip the player at game start, look at other pre-equipped monsters' entries in char.dat (guards, orcs, etc.)
  • Similarly, items you spawn on your person can have their materials defined
  • Sherarax is listed as "mistress(QUEEN)" (you'll need this for dungeon.dat)
  • Holybanana's script tutorial will be very useful, but I have since lost it.
  • Figuring out how to edit yourself in a new material may prove incredibly useful
  • You can edit New Attnam's layout to be more beneficial to your cause
  • Any new objects, NPCs or materials you add to the script files must also be added to define.dat!

I doubt this'll get much attention, but good luck to anyone who does try!
Hopefully some people will come out of this with a renewed understanding of just how IVAN works

And here's one way to do it. I wonder what happened here...?
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 7, 2013 at 8:22 pm
I found a line I remember in the script:
"@Dd looks almost panicked. \"Hey, why aren't people bringing me bananas anymore! I'm hungry! Help! Don't let me starve!\"",
But I am pretty sure what he said when I went to challenge him was something along the lines of "It's your fault I'm starving! No way would I let you challenge me now."

I am somewhat sure he didn't let me fight him, but I'd have to boot up the game again to check.


Ok I've found exactly what triggers it. Huang will let you challenge him so long as at least one imperialist is still alive. As soon as you kill all the imperialists, he gives you this line.
I had one guard left running around with no arms when I went to test this, and he let me challenge him. I declined then killed off that guard, resulting in this line from him when I tried to challenge him again.

So yes, you can kill almost all the imperialists and still get the belt of levitation. Just be sure to leave one limping around somewhere. The only difference between this and doing it without killing Decos is that you don't get the banana endorsement shirt and the relevant lines of dialogue after winning the match. Huang just says "here's a little something from me", gives you the belt and teaches you some "nasty fighting techniques".
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 7, 2013 at 6:18 pm
So I suppose Decos is what triggers whether or not Huang will let you challenge him in a hostile New Attnam?
I do remember clearing out the guards and Decos and Huang mentioning something about not letting me challenge him because he no longer gets fed by the imperialists.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 5, 2013 at 7:58 pm
Hmm. Well, the only other thing I can think of that lowers enchantment is having pissed off a god and praying to them. Chances are if that was the case, you would know though.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 5, 2013 at 9:31 am
Certain magically inclined amphibians also have a nasty tendency to spawn/teleport inside those secret rooms with no doors on the map. IIRC, they - among other horrible things - can disenchant your items. Chances are there's one or two of them sitting in a walled-off dirt-encased secret room and you're probably going to want to get off that dungeon floor as soon as possible.
Posted by 4zb4, Aug 21, 2013 at 3:41 am
Eagle V wrote
Would it be possible to create a net that would work in much the same way as a spider's web, except that it could be picked up and thrown (as long as you're not entangled in it)?

Hmm, maybe? I can see it being possible to set nets as a trap by using the code for land mines, but making them activate when thrown? Maybe, if we took a closer look at how the dwarven grenades work.
Posted by 4zb4, Aug 16, 2013 at 12:12 am
That sounds pretty awesome and potentially even worse than an assassin! Perhaps a new enemy type whose specific purpose is to pop like a balloon and rust the hell out of your equipment?
Posted by 4zb4, Aug 15, 2013 at 2:06 pm
FAQ for playing neutral: sacrifice all the weapons and armor on the level to Loricatus, and all the valuable objects (stones etc) to Mellis. Pray to Loricatus/Mellis every time the prayer cooldown wears off. Silva should start to like you too, although I don't find prayers to Silva to be that useful, really.

I personally tend to stick to Loricatus. Mostly because his effects are pretty easy to use and he's pretty easy to keep happy.
Posted by 4zb4, Aug 14, 2013 at 7:42 am
You could try bear traps or pissing off a mistress. Did Loricatus perhaps turn your legs into bananas?
Alternatively if it's a rustable metal, just throw a bottle of water into a wall next to you and hope it rusts off, or if it's a food material you can simply wait for it to rot - if you don't starve first!