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Posted by 4zb4, Dec 1, 2015 at 8:03 pm
Are we?
I think we decided an adequate number was 5+ last time.
Posted by 4zb4, Nov 29, 2015 at 8:22 am
Batman? wrote
Also a wand of door creation would probably work as well

Wands of door creation piss off the town, I found that out when I was messing with mustard gas and trying to get something next to Petrus to throw a grenade at.
It's probably to prevent you from walling off the guards for the final showdown.

I'm also like 80% certain I pissed off the town trying to throw sulphuric acid at a wall. It might depend on whether the impact of the bottle actually causes damage to the wall's HP.
I don't remember why in particular I was trying to break the walls in Attnam but I do remember making a point of using a wand of acid rain for the job in the end.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 3, 2015 at 10:02 pm

Posting a new message to the shoutbox just did this.

Also, the first page of this official BUGS thread seems to have forgotten that it has formatting.
"Whoops, something went wrong" is correct!

Posted by 4zb4, Aug 31, 2015 at 2:12 pm

I think Markdown is meant to be easier to type manually, rather than typing out HTML tags or mousing over to the format buttons.
Testing line break

Line break in quote

Double break in quote

Outside of quote again.

Posted by 4zb4, Aug 30, 2015 at 3:07 pm
You can beat the game in any IVAN variant
So long as you can get to Attnam you can always get one of the endings regardless of whether some levels in GC cause crashes.
That doesn't mean it'll be easy.
Posted by 4zb4, Aug 21, 2015 at 4:18 am
Zayre wrote
If I remember correctly, blocking was based on an item's "roundness". Shields have high roundness, and items such as the Lantern have good roundness (But are brittle, and usually shatter after blocking a hot).

The block modifier is simply the item's size multiplied by its roundness. Lanterns are in fact very round and a hardened one can make for an OK shield since it hardens straight into illithium and has the added bonus of casting light.
Posted by 4zb4, Aug 18, 2015 at 5:28 am
red_kangaroo wrote
BTW, (b)ash command would also be ideal for getting fruit from trees.
...but still could sometimes snack on the pineapples you bash down from pine trees (how else ).

I like this idea.
I also like the idea of pine trees dropping "pineapples".
This pineapple tastes like bark and splinters
Posted by 4zb4, Aug 15, 2015 at 8:50 pm
Warheck wrote
You'd need to wield something with a "blunt" damage type.

Not necessarily. For example, axes are good for breaking down doors hence why fire axes are a thing.
What you could do instead of requiring a blunt weapon is have different inanimate objects take different damage multipliers by damage type - currently all the "damage type" does is influence the language around an attack. So a blunt attack comes up as "you bash the skeleton with your steel mace" for example.
Since that's only a get function (or parameter) away and already used, maybe it won't be so bad to implement?
Posted by 4zb4, Aug 14, 2015 at 5:59 am
JoKe wrote
Even better than hitting things, implementing a way to force an attack in a chosen direction.
I've always wanted that anyway, as an alternative to kicking things to break them.
If you have weak babby legs, doesn't it make sense to try to break down a door with your warhammer or axe?

Doors and walls can already take damage and break when they run out of HP, the only thing we're missing is being able to fight inanimate objects. Though it might be a good idea to restrict wall digging to pickaxes.

Posted by 4zb4, Aug 14, 2015 at 2:35 am
I went to review my old wiki edits.

If you're interested in dual wielding for blocking, the best weapons for it in order of block rate are:
1. Spetum (LIVAN)
2. Halberd
3. Battle-axe
4. Knight sword (LIVAN)
5. Two-handed Sword
6. Quarterstaff

Problem being all of those except the battle axe have huge single-arm ASTR requirements.
As for the smaller weapons you'd be better off using maces or battle axes since you can dual wield those much sooner and they have decent block rates (mace has 2100, the highest of the "10 ASTR" weapons and barely behind the quarterstaff). Once you have more ASTR you can move on to one of the bigger weapons that fits whatever skill levels you built using the smaller ones.