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Posted by 4zb4, Jan 21, 2016 at 6:42 pm
Dwarven Minelayers and some form of hunter class enemy that drops beartraps.

Not sure how you'd get the minelayers to drop active mines from a coding point of view, but I'm not sure it's entirely impossible to have active mines in their inventory and characters are already capable of dropping items.
More important than that would be making sure they don't set off their own traps but you could just be lazy and give them levitation.
Posted by 4zb4, Jan 21, 2016 at 6:37 pm
Congrats on the win.

The mustard gas exploit isn't exactly new, but since I haven't played the newer development builds I didn't know (or forgot) they specifically made changes to make throwing gas grenades turn Attnam hostile.
I personally wrote out a guide on exploiting mustard gas grenades for IVAN CVS and LIVAN six years ago. It's also on the wiki. That's probably why they changed it, heh.
I really like the fact you've found a new and much more interesting method to work around the changes to gas Petrus though, that's super neat and, as a result, might get patched out now
Posted by 4zb4, Dec 24, 2015 at 6:29 pm
It's been there.
Posted by 4zb4, Dec 23, 2015 at 5:31 pm
Is everyone who signed up friends with secret atavus on steam?
Posted by 4zb4, Dec 22, 2015 at 3:29 pm
Lost Password function doesn't work and also returns the "Whoops! Something went wrong" message.

Thankfully I did actually remember my password.
Posted by 4zb4, Dec 11, 2015 at 8:58 pm
I've joined the drawn names group and added a link to my steam wishlist.
Games are just ordered by their price from low to high, might be different in USD or w/e but they're in order in NZD. There's nothing on the wishlist I don't want.

I too wouldn't mind anything though. Physical gifts are probably going to incur the wrath of international postage fees due to the fact that I'm right on the ass end of the planet.
Posted by 4zb4, Dec 7, 2015 at 11:09 pm
The hammer and sickle are both bigger and composed of more material (are more dense) than regular hammers and sickles. They also have a higher strength modifier.
This means that they're heavier and do more damage than regular hammers and sickles of the same material and enchantment level. They should also be slightly better at blocking.
Unlike a regular sickle though the Gorovits Family Sickle is missing the isGoodWithPlants tag so it doesn't do 1.5x damage to plant enemies. That seems like an oversight that needs fixing.

You cannot wish for them.

Overall they're just a plain better hammer and sickle without any magic properties unlike the other named weapons.
Posted by 4zb4, Dec 4, 2015 at 7:02 pm
You're missing me.
Posted by 4zb4, Dec 2, 2015 at 5:50 pm
The Secret Atavus account details are probably still sitting around in one of the older threads