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Posted by 4zb4, Nov 18, 2013 at 6:31 am
Ahoy ! in forum Other Coding
Things have been pretty good - if a little slow, bordering on "dead". We don't often see new "regulars" (such as myself!) but we've had a few - some of which can code which is great!

I'm not sure how much work (if any) has been done on development as of yet but we have the tools in place over here.
I'll agree the game is functionally complete - in my opinion it only needs, say, more content than code. However there's interest to implement a post-petrus quest involving saving the your child (first born daughter/son item). Other than that Erno had a huge list of ideas we could work on.

As for the questions relating to where we got the source from - I wouldn't know, I'm comparatively new here (only been around since this forum rather than the past two) so you'd have to ask one of the big fish around here.
And yeah there was an IVANCon a while back, of which there are plenty of pictures in the gallery section.

Welcome back!
Posted by 4zb4, Nov 18, 2013 at 3:00 am
Ahoy ! in forum Other Coding
RustKnight wrote
Those 2 neat fixes might be welcomed, the spawn rate and the unarmed combat.
Also, which file should i download and use ? the CVS or the standard .50 IVAN ?

Spawn rate of Valdemar and Unarmed Combat can be fixed rather easily via script editing.
For the Valdemar, find these lines in item.dat under "potion":
  MaterialConfigChances = { 11, 75, 50, 5, 50, 10000, 10, 5, 25, 5, 5, 25; }
And change that "10000" to something more sensible. I'm not sure what the spawn rate was intended to be but seeing as it behaves almost identically to vodka you might as well set it to 5 just like vodka is.

As for the huge unarmed combat skill, find this line under "humanoid" in the char.dat file:
  KnownCWeaponSkills == UNARMED;
  CWeaponSkillHits == 19000;
Delete both of those.

And there you go - CVS without its inherent bugs.
You should probably download and use CVS as it has new things without huge differences like LIVAN and other variants have. For one, it has gas grenades which are always fun.
In the dwarf fortress sense of the word...
Posted by 4zb4, Nov 17, 2013 at 1:56 am
Autosave gone too?
Posted by 4zb4, Nov 12, 2013 at 6:12 am
Unfortunately anything that doesn't seem like a trap can also be a trap, meaning that pretty much the safest way to proceed is to treat the entire world like a trap.
At the very least you can count yourself lucky IVAN doesn't have things like, say, pre-determined ambushes full of hideous creatures which trigger upon entering a certain tile or taking a certain item, or things like DoomRL's lever which turns the entire floor into lava.

Well unless we wanted it to, now that we kinda have dev up.
Posted by 4zb4, Nov 11, 2013 at 8:06 pm
Probably mirrored items, I believe there's a specific entry for chests containing huge mirrored loot.
That is to say, they'll disappear but you can make use of them while you can. Maybe some of the items aren't actually mirrored and others are? Only time will tell.
Posted by 4zb4, Nov 11, 2013 at 8:04 pm
So far as I know, the only belt of levitation belongs to the sumo and the only other way to get one is with a wish.
Also yeah nuts are very rare and useless random items. Unless you're starving, I guess.
Posted by 4zb4, Oct 4, 2013 at 5:55 pm
Eh, I'm learning Java and have done a little C (not C++) so I will see if I can help where I can and when I have time/motivation.
Note the learning part.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 17, 2013 at 2:44 am
chaostrom wrote
New Attnam is too small, and Sherarax too fast, for Ischaldirh to win against her. Even in Attnam she has about a 1/2 chance of winning.

Ah, unless Ischaldirh had the foresight to wall himself into a tiny room, in which case Sherry runs around New Attnam violently exploding and getting pissed, much to the amusement of the locals.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 16, 2013 at 11:08 pm
capristo wrote
4zb4, how'd you do it in the first post? I love this challenge!

Heheheh that's a secret. Lemme just say that the atomic mines I added in a while back do a little bit more than just explode now.
Posted by 4zb4, Sep 15, 2013 at 7:21 pm
Heheh, I really like everyone entries so far!

JoKe wrote
Underestimated the damage fireballs actually do to her, the wands are now striking which worked much better.
SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.
Sherry has incredibly large resistance to fire, lightning and energy (W o' Striking) - but not acid!

I really like the idea of the vodka moat by the way. I initially tried to have her spawn in a room packed with atomic mines (from my Atomic IVAN) and wands of fireballs, but she still survived because apparently her head wasn't severed.
She then went to town on everyone.