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Posted by 4zb4, Dec 10, 2013 at 5:06 pm
youtoo wrote
is a spear worth sticking with? right now Im at about a 50% bonus with it due to the number of hits.
I thought 2 handed weapons train arm str, but it has not gone up. Im in new attnam.
New Attnam is where you started, you're at old Attnam now
As mentioned above, yes. Spears are pretty decent all around and you can migrate to halberds or quarterstaffs if you want/need to.
You'll probably want to find a spear with a metal tip at some point though, as they can be hardened into much more powerful materials than the wood one you have currently.
Also if I'm not mistaken, spears train DEX rather than ASTR, probably why you're not noticing any ASTR gains.

youtoo wrote
can you do anything with heads of corpses? arms/legs can supposedly be attached to you to make you stronger, etc... have not tried this.
I did say earlier in the thread that this does nothing. Organic limbs just keep your current stats no matter where they came from.

You also cannot attach foreign heads or limbs to yourself unless you are a zombie Nope, turns out you can't even do that, only AI controlled zombies can attach foreign limbs and heads to themselves - there's no command for it when you're playing as one. That means no, even if they did boost your stats you couldn't haul off a goblin arm to the priestess of Silva because she won't attach it in place of you old one. All she does is offer to grow you a new one.
As for the heads themselves, there's no use for them other than putting them back on their respective corpse so you can revive them.
Posted by 4zb4, Dec 10, 2013 at 12:20 am
Not to mention certain guaranteed spawns that will also squish you sometimes even if you are prepared.
Posted by 4zb4, Dec 9, 2013 at 3:03 pm
If you don't find a pickaxe, alternatives are wands of striking/fireballs/acid rain/door creation, sulphuric acid and landmines.
Posted by 4zb4, Dec 9, 2013 at 12:16 am
Interestingly they can attach limbs they already have. No idea whether this increases their HP or defence though.
"The zombie picks up the zombie head and attaches it to its chest"
Posted by 4zb4, Dec 8, 2013 at 8:41 pm
Wands of necromancy turn humanoid corpses into zombies with reduced stats rather than reviving them. Both result in friendly new pets, so long as the target isn't tame-proof (i.e. uniques)
Posted by 4zb4, Dec 8, 2013 at 4:49 pm
youtoo wrote
1. what do you do with skulls and bones?
Bones, as mentioned before can be thrown at canines. Skulls aren't useful really, but you can offer them to Mortifer as he likes bone items.
I guess you could also keep them to throw at enemies, but they won't do very much.

youtoo wrote
2. i occassionalyl find a scroll of taming early. what is good to use it on?
Go back to New Attnam and tame one of the rookie guards. Unless something really strong like a stone golem or something appears in the tunnel, then use it on that before it creams you.

youtoo wrote
3. i can get unlimited bannanas from the village. is there a good way to train up stats before UT3? mobs dont seem to respawn real fast.
To be completely honest, you don't need to train stats at all this early in the game.
If you insist though, all you can really do in New Attnam is run around a lot and eat bananas to increase your AGI.
Do remember that the higher your stats, the worse the monsters get and this is particularly problematic in the Underwater Tunnel where good equipment will not usually spawn.

youtoo wrote
4. so its better to dual wield? over 2 handed weapons. ok.
Yes. We looked into it a while ago, and there's no penalty for dual wielding if you can wield both weapons one-handed (i.e. no "you have trouble wielding this weapon with one hand") and weapons eventually get a lot better at blocking attacks than shields do.

youtoo wrote
5. i read about a strategy of losing a limb. i can get a limb replaced in the village. is it a good idea to lose a leg or an arm and then bring a zombie leg or arm or some low level mob up to the town? will they attach that or just attach my old arm? its the guy you pay 20 gold too?
No no, the idea is to lose a limb and then pray to a god to get one back - if they like you enough they'll give you a limb made of a really strong artificial material!

Also flesh limbs no matter where they came from will not boost your stats at all if you somehow managed to get them attached. If you find yourself down an arm or something and need one back it's faster to drink a healing potion and grow one back than go into town and ask the priestess to re-attach or grow you a new one.

youtoo wrote
6. any tricks for thingsi should do in the starter village? I experimented a few times with dropping lots of bannana peels and trying to get guys to die on them. but didn't see much in the way of items?
There's nothing worth getting in the village really. If you were intent on killing off people though you can kill the wandering town elder and the tourists by dropping broken glass and banana peels around them. Will take a LONG time though.
The elder has a book of Silva, so you can use that to gain a god early I guess.

youtoo wrote
7. sometimes i find wands of lightning. but this bounces off walls and hits me. is there a trick to this? what is the range?
There isn't really a trick to this really. They bounce semi-randomly and are really not worth the trouble as more often than not you'll end up blasting yourself with it instead.
Use only when you have a LONG open space behind an enemy, or you have some decent lightning resistance.

youtoo wrote
8. sometimes i find a wand of necromancy. when i use this this becomes my pet right?
Correct. Note you can't resurrect something that doesn't have its head. You can find its head and put it back on its corpse though.

youtoo wrote
9. wand of ressurrection. i should use that on kenny when he dies right? he usually doesn't last too long. does kenny get stronger if he fights?
Kenny is a waste of that wand, but yes he does get stronger - just likely not fast enough to be worth the trouble.
Anything you resurrect becomes friendly so long as it isn't a boss of some variety, so it's useful to gain some powerful pets as you go. As far as UT goes you're probably not going to find anything worth it unless kamikaze dwarves start spawning. They're pretty strong when they're not blowing themselves up.

youtoo wrote
10. genetrix is the boss mob on UT3 right? that spawns all the plants?
Yep. She lives in a distinctive 5x5 square room, and it's in your interest to get there and finish her as fast as possible.

youtoo wrote
11. on UT2, I can use a pickaxe to dig into a wall tht gets me to UT4. I should not do that right? there is an up stairs in ut3 that takes me to the surface but i have to kill genetrix to get to it right?
UT4 is a bonus level filled with guaranteed spawns of some horrible creatures you almost certainly won't be able to deal with until way later on in the game. If you want to chance it though, there's some good loot down there if you want to smash n' grab.

To exit the tunnel you need to either beat or teleport Genetrix Vesana, yes.

youtoo wrote
12. what do i do with empty bottles?
Dip (!) them into full potions to gain a half measure so you don't drink the whole thing at once. You can also dip them into water tiles or fountains.
Drinking water gets rid of the "exhausted" status.

youtoo wrote
13. fountains: this can help, but after a few drinks i always end up on another level. is it worth using these after i clear the first too levels? eventualyl when i gamble i die.
If you're feeling lucky, sure! Sometimes they can give you buffs or items, but yes they are a real gamble, especially in the later dungeon where they can teleport you down like 7 floors.

youtoo wrote
14. how do i trian agility on plants? someone said you can do that? what do plants have to do with agility
Smack them with a cloak for little to no damage. Trains AGI somehow.
Alveradok wrote up a little guide over here.

youtoo wrote
15. armor... heavier ones lower stats. is there a good rule of thumb about trade off? say 3 levels of armor for 1 point of dex or agility or something like that?
Eh, not really. However, different armors will affect your playstyle.
So for example if you're wearing something heavy like steel plate mail you can afford to take a few hits, so the lowered DEX and AGI are not going to be too much of an issue. Ideally if you're using heavy armor like this you should also be using a big weapon - one that scales better with ASTR than DEX obviously. (Warhammer, two-handed swords etc)

If you're going to wear cloth (leather, ommel hair tree), you'll want to be dodging things more than taking hits - which is good because cloth won't reduce your stats (usually). The tradeoff is you take a lot more damage when you do get hit. Cloth is also good because it's light, so that combined with the lack of penalty for stats means you can use just about any weapon you want.

Chainmail is an interesting balance in between, and pretty good all around once you get strong enough to wear it without being burdened. If you're lucky, bronze chainmail has a chance to spawn in the underwater tunnel and with it equipped Genetrix will do very little damage to you. Well, to your torso at least...
Chainmail upgrades get lighter and lighter as they go, similar to plate mail but chainmail weighs a lot less. If you can, hardening it to iron will probably make it just light enough for a new character to wear without being burdened.
Posted by 4zb4, Dec 7, 2013 at 7:38 pm
The reason they're eating it is because it's a food item that happens to have landed on their tile - normally they don't eat because they can't move and find food. Also, they're blind so that's why they only eat when you're not right next to them - similar to the player, they have a check to see if there's anything hostile nearby before they begin eating.

A very neat discovery though. It's a shame some of the bigger, tougher baddies are a lot more mobile and less inclined to eat anything. But that's what leaving crappy cloth equipment and stacked landmines around is for.
Posted by 4zb4, Dec 7, 2013 at 7:32 pm
Also if you really need to rest on the plant level and taking the stairs back down isn't an option, find a corner somewhere in the map where there's only one free tile adjacent to you. This way you can rest and only have to fight a single plant when it spawns, which should result in net HP gain. Dead ends don't spawn in the game so these will always be the end of a hallway with a room with a door you can close to shut off the second free tile.

Chiko wrote
Throw a bone at your dog and it will catch it and eat. :3
Try this with hostile canines
Posted by 4zb4, Dec 7, 2013 at 12:28 am
  • Always put on some sort of armor when you find it. Even if it is negatively enchanted, a layer between you and your opponent still helps to reduce damage. You can always replace it with something better later.
  • If you're hurt in a dungeon, find a nice little room and rest with "h". Lock the door if you can too by applying the correct key, if you have it. This will give you the best chance of recovering from injury without being eaten alive.
  • Shields are kind of crap. Dual wielding will always be better if you can manage it. Try to pick two weapons that fall under the same skill (blunt = hammers, maces | short sword = dagger, short sword | long sword = bastard sword, long sword etc.)
  • As above, once you've chosen a weapon, stick with it! You have a separate skill for a weapon you have gotten used to that means you can fight better with it. Worst comes to worst, you've still been training up your skill in that weapon category so if your weapon breaks or disappears you can simply transition to another of its class and move on without getting your ass handed to you.
  • DON'T BURDEN YOURSELF. It reduces your combat stats a little, and that can be enough to get yourself killed. Don't stockpile things - you won't be needing them if you're dead. Or at least only carry what you can without being burdened. For me this is usually potions, scrolls, wands, food, and any valuables (gold rocks etc).
  • Keep things in a chest to help prevent them from catching fire or breaking. A small chest is good for this and they're reasonably common. Strongboxes are even better.
  • Don't forget the gods! They can save you in a pinch. Pick one you like the look of and pray to them every now and then (at least 3 in-game hours between to not annoy them). Once you're in good with one god they'll spread your favor to others in the same alignment so you can use their stuff too.

If you're getting lost trying to find the exit of the tunnel (which is what it sounds like) then you might not have noticed that there's two separate staircases on UT2. One that you came down from UT1, and one that goes upward to UT3, the plant level. You'll know you came to the right place soon enough...
Usually the second staircase is to the right end of the map, as the Underwater Tunnel is rectangular in shape rather than square like some of the later dungeons.
Posted by 4zb4, Dec 5, 2013 at 2:53 am
Pickaxe is always handy to prevent things like this from happening. I too have become very frustrated by allies who displace you and take all the kills, hampering your stat gains.

Not sure if it still applies for 0.50, but in CVS onwards some characters/monsters have the "IsMasochist" tag which means that they won't turn on you if you attack or otherwise harm them - also useful for this particular situation.
Masochists currently are:

SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.
  • The slave you can buy in Attnam
  • Mistresses
  • Angels and archangels of Nefas
  • Banana growers