creating stable chaos
making patterns where there should be none
sewing order into the chaos
you spit in the face of random numbers, of chaos
Config ARMOR_OF_THE_OMMEL; { StrengthModifier = 160; DefaultSize = 80; DefaultMainVolume = 5000; BitmapPos = 64, 208; Possibility = 2; NameSingular = "armor"; PostFix = "of the Ommel"; MainMaterialConfig = { 2, OMMEL_BONE, OMMEL_TOOTH; } MaterialConfigChances = { 2, 100, 1; } InElasticityPenaltyModifier = 20; FireResistance = 15; ElectricityResistance = 15; AcidResistance = 3; PoisonResistance = 3; BaseEnchantment = 0; Price = 500; PriceIsProportionalToEnchantment = true; EnchantmentPlusChance = 1; IsMaterialChangeable = false; } Config BROKEN|ARMOR_OF_THE_OMMEL; { Possibility = 4; StrengthModifier = 75; BitmapPos = 64, 224; FormModifier = 20; Price = 50; MainMaterialConfig = { 2, OMMEL_BONE, OMMEL_TOOTH; } MaterialConfigChances = { 2, 75, 1; } EnchantmentPlusChance = 2; InElasticityPenaltyModifier = 35; FireResistance = 5; ElectricityResistance = 5; AcidResistance = 1; PoisonResistance = 1; }
Config BOOT_OF_THE_OMMEL; { Possibility = 2; PostFix = "of the Ommel"; MainMaterialConfig == OMMEL_BONE; MaterialConfigChances == 100; AffectsLegStrength = true; AffectsAgility = true; Price = 150; BaseEnchantment = 1; PriceIsProportionalToEnchantment = true; EnchantmentPlusChance = 1; IsMaterialChangeable = false; } Config BROKEN|BOOT_OF_THE_OMMEL; { DefaultSize = 30; FormModifier = 30; BitmapPos = 80, 368; Possibility = 4; AffectsLegStrength = false; AffectsDexterity = false; Price = 60; EnchantmentPlusChance = 2; InElasticityPenaltyModifier = 30; }
Config GAUNTLET_OF_THE_OMMEL; { Possibility = 2; PostFix = "of the Ommel"; MainMaterialConfig == OMMEL_BONE; MaterialConfigChances == 100; AffectsArmStrength = true; AffectsDexterity = true; Price = 150; BaseEnchantment = 1; PriceIsProportionalToEnchantment = true; EnchantmentPlusChance = 1; IsMaterialChangeable = false; } Config BROKEN|GAUNTLET_OF_THE_OMMEL; { DefaultSize = 30; FormModifier = 30; BitmapPos = 80, 368; Possibility = 4; AffectsArmStrength = false; AffectsDexterity = false; Price = 60; EnchantmentPlusChance = 2; InElasticityPenaltyModifier = 30; }
Config HELM_OF_THE_OMMEL; { DefaultSize = 40; DefaultMainVolume = 250; StrengthModifier = 150; FormModifier = 25; BitmapPos = 48, 32; Possibility = 2; PostFix = "of the Ommel"; AffectsPerception = true; AffectsCharisma = true; MainMaterialConfig == OMMEL_BONE; MaterialConfigChances == 100; BaseEnchantment = 1; Price = 160; PriceIsProportionalToEnchantment = true; CoverPercentile = 90; HelmetBitmapPos = 96, 432; EnchantmentPlusChance = 2; } Config BROKEN|HELM_OF_THE_OMMEL; { BitmapPos = 64, 32; Possibility = 4; Price = 50; AffectsPerception = false; AffectsCharisma = false; HelmetBitmapPos = 112, 448; EnchantmentPlusChance = 4; }
Config CLOAK_OF_PROTECTION; { DefaultMainVolume = 3750; Possibility = 1; StrengthModifier = 350; PostFix = "of protection"; Price = 500; MainMaterialConfig = { 5, NYMPH_HAIR, OMMEL_HAIR, PHOENIX_FEATHER, ANGEL_HAIR, SPIDER_SILK; } MaterialConfigChances = { 5, 100, 50, 20, 7, 1; } EnchantmentPlusChance = 3; } Config BROKEN|CLOAK_OF_PROTECTION; { Possibility = 3; StrengthModifier = 125; Price = 300; EnchantmentPlusChance = 5; MainMaterialConfig = { 4, OMMEL_HAIR, PHOENIX_FEATHER, ANGEL_HAIR, SPIDER_SILK; } MaterialConfigChances = { 4, 100, 50, 15, 3; } }
Config BRACER; { Possibility = 200; DefaultMainVolume = 150; StrengthModifier = 95; NameSingular = "bracer"; InElasticityPenaltyModifier = 10; MainMaterialConfig = { 7, LEATHER, HARDENED_LEATHER, COPPER, BRONZE, IRON, STEEL, METEORIC_STEEL; } MaterialConfigChances = { 7, 1000, 750, 400, 300, 150, 75, 15; } } Config BROKEN|BRACER; { InElasticityPenaltyModifier = 15; MainMaterialConfig = { 8, HARDENED_LEATHER, BRONZE, IRON, STEEL, METEORIC_STEEL, DRAGON_HIDE, ARCANITE, MITHRIL; } MaterialConfigChances = { 8, 500, 700, 550, 400, 250, 5, 40, 10; } EnchantmentPlusChance = 20; }