Had a decent character finally

Oct 21, 2021, 4:48 pm
Joined: Dec 2, 2007
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Just rambling here, I made it to GC4 for the first time in dozens of attempts.

I lucked out with some great items

- amulet of ESP
- symbiotic worm ring (sold it though, the green light it emits is too annoying)
- wand of cloning which had at least 2 charges
- wand of polymorph (never got to use it though)
- ring of invisibility (bought in Attnam)
- horn of plenty
- horn of healing (bought in Attnam)
- map of black market (in GC shop, not sure if it is guaranteed to be there or I got lucky)

However my actual armor was trash... didn't have any equipment with stat bonuses, my boots were just nymph hair, and I didn't find a single pair of gloves/gauntlets. Fighting the wolf cave was very hairy because of my weak limb protection.

I had a ton of enchant armor & harden material scrolls thanks to the wand of cloning, but I was "saving" them until I found better items to use them on

I went with double axes, one was 3d6. The other was only 1d4 but it was a chilling axe so I kept it. I think this may be the main reason my character did well- usually I get much more powerful weapons early, without the proper stats to balance it out, which boosts my danger level too high.

Also had good favor with Atavus which was super nice for enchanting my armor without spending a scroll.

I ended up losing to Rondol... definitely could've been more careful because he didn't one-shot me. I had used up all of my healing liquid recovering from a mustard gas trap and didn't have any teleportation methods available. To be honest with the lame armor I had, I wasn't too in love with the character, or I would've tried harder to keep him alive. I was more just rushing to get further and hopefully find some better equipment throughout the dungeons

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I like the concept of the black market. I like that it offsets when you get really bad luck like I did with never being able to find certain item types. Unfortunately I had spent all of my money so I wasn't able to take advantage of it

I think we should nerf landmines. It's just practically impossible to survive GC2 without some form of fire resistance. Searching several times per step is a big nuisance and still doesn't even guarantee that you've found all of them.
Oct 21, 2021, 9:26 pm
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Are mustard gas traps still invisible?
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Oct 22, 2021, 2:06 am
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Grats on making it that far!

capristo wrote
However my actual armor was trash... didn't have any equipment with stat bonuses, my boots were just nymph hair, and I didn't find a single pair of gloves/gauntlets. Fighting the wolf cave was very hairy because of my weak limb protection.

I actually had plenty of playthroughs where I wasn't able to find gloves or boots too. I feel like it shouldn't happen at all. But you still could buy them at the black market.

capristo wrote
I ended up losing to Rondol... definitely could've been more careful because he didn't one-shot me. I had used up all of my healing liquid recovering from a mustard gas trap and didn't have any teleportation methods available. To be honest with the lame armor I had, I wasn't too in love with the character, or I would've tried harder to keep him alive. I was more just rushing to get further and hopefully find some better equipment throughout the dungeons

To quote Batman!, "its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!"

capristo wrote
I think we should nerf landmines. It's just practically impossible to survive GC2 without some form of fire resistance. Searching several times per step is a big nuisance and still doesn't even guarantee that you've found all of them.

I don't think so. While deaths from mines are annoying, they happen very rarely, at least in my experience. Fire resistant items aren't really rare. But excluding them from GC1 - 2 would be fine, so even if you hadn't found anything to combat mines, you'd have some more time to do that
Oct 22, 2021, 10:48 am
Joined: Dec 2, 2007
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hm it was probably the number 1 reason I would die in GC1/GC2 recently but I guess this goes back to me rushing through games.

I would not build up any endurance so with only 37 HP they’d kill me. But yeah for those characters I also didn’t find any form of fire resistance

Is the dwarves mine field always in GC2? And I believe mines only appear in that room in that level. If so then yeah it might be nice to prevent them from appearing in GC1. That way newbies aren’t taken totally off guard and experienced players have more time to find fire resistance. Anyways not adamant about changing this at all, just a discussion

Yeah I think mustard gas traps are still invisible. It wasn’t as bad this time, I had 4 vials of healing and 1 can, and I survived with the vials + 2 tastes of the can
Oct 22, 2021, 11:11 am
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I think mustard gas should be removed entirely. Props to the developers for creating it, but I dislike it as a game feature. I fell the same way about fire, but I am probably in the minority on that one.

I am all for the game being difficult, but it feels like currently the only way to play is to get luck with a flying/levitating item.

Just my $0.02
Oct 22, 2021, 12:37 pm
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Batman? wrote
I am all for the game being difficult, but it feels like currently the only way to play is to get luck with a flying/levitating item.

Definitely agree on that. Levitation solves os many problems, and it is 100% effective. While rings of searching and fire res items are good, they definitely aren't as good. Wish there was another item that helps deal with mines.
Oct 22, 2021, 1:43 pm
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The trick to mustard gas definitely seems to be spreading out your healing and just tasting the bottle over time, rather than drinking the whole bottle up front.

I even took an extra step in the gas this time (could have moved diagonally but did not), and still survived, so it didn't seem quite as bad as I remembered.

Oh I did come across one of the goblin mages for the first time. Zapped me with webbing. That was cool to see!

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And the wands being mirrored was a nice touch!
Oct 23, 2021, 4:31 am
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capristo wrote
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I like the concept of the black market. I like that it offsets when you get really bad luck like I did with never being able to find certain item types. Unfortunately I had spent all of my money so I wasn't able to take advantage of it

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I like that you like it. That is exactly what it is supposed to do. Plus drain your excess cash, in those games where you would otherwise have thousands and no way to use them.

capristo wrote
Oh I did come across one of the goblin mages for the first time. Zapped me with webbing. That was cool to see!

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And the wands being mirrored was a nice touch!

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Heh heh. Yeah, in CLIVAN, I would end with several chests of wands, just from the mages. That didn't seem right.

capristo wrote
Is the dwarves mine field always in GC2? And I believe mines only appear in that room in that level.

If so then yeah it might be nice to prevent them from appearing in GC1. That way newbies aren’t taken totally off guard and experienced players have more time to find fire resistance.

Can be either GC2 or GC3, I think.

I tentatively like that, I think.

capristo wrote
Yeah I think mustard gas traps are still invisible.

Invisible how? They should be invisible only until you trigger them the first time, then seen normally as an active trap (with the little exclamation mark). Or is that still bugged?

I don't think mustard gas is that bad. You can't stand in it, but it there are multiple ways to counter it: sipping healing, regeneration, gas immunity. And to prevent it, you still have searching (with the ring, manually it's way too tedious) and levitation.

Speaking of levitation, it is kinda OP. Currently, it's only balanced by being really rare and hard to get.
Oct 23, 2021, 5:37 am
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SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.
red_kangaroo wrote
Heh heh. Yeah, in CLIVAN, I would end with several chests of wands, just from the mages. That didn't seem right.

That was a good fix, thanks

Re flames, yes they are annoying, I must implement fountain sit.
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Oct 23, 2021, 7:33 am
Joined: Dec 14, 2017
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red_kangaroo wrote
I don't think mustard gas is that bad. You can't stand in it, but it there are multiple ways to counter it: sipping healing, regeneration, gas immunity. And to prevent it, you still have searching (with the ring, manually it's way too tedious) and levitation.
Gas immunity is even rarer than levitation though, you never get it when it actually will be useful, which is GC 1 - . After that you get enough END to deal with it. Regen is very weak too, so sipping is pretty much the only counter anyone will be using.
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