Shop Guards bite

Jul 17, 2009, 10:37 am
Joined: Apr 20, 2009
Posts: 23
So I was fighting some shop guards because i accidently kicked their door in and they weren't happy but this one decided to drop his sword and pick up a second shield and try to bite me to death it didn't work out well for him.
Jul 17, 2009, 5:32 pm
Joined: Jan 11, 2008
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So what did you do with Merka? If he'd been the one to pick up a second shield, that would have been more amusing...
Jul 17, 2009, 5:55 pm
Joined: Apr 20, 2009
Posts: 23
i teleported him away and later decapitated him. this character also had three vermis' and a turox luckiest character i've ever had
Jul 17, 2009, 10:36 pm
Joined: Jan 11, 2008
Posts: 1,019
Nice! Good luck in keeping him alive then.
Jul 18, 2009, 3:45 am
Joined: Nov 22, 2008
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That's cool. Also, welcome to the forums
Beware! 'tis EagleV, Hardcore Weaver of Baskets!
Jul 18, 2009, 6:38 am
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I've never known that to happen before. Good find.
Uchuudonge wrote
creating stable chaos
making patterns where there should be none
sewing order into the chaos
you spit in the face of random numbers, of chaos
Jul 19, 2009, 6:29 am
Joined: Dec 11, 2008
Posts: 1,770
I'm confused. Wouldn't the guard start kicking? I don't think they start off with any biting skill, and a kick is stronger so it should go to that by default.
System would indicate in graphic if person is mounted on horse or not.
Same system also show if person mounted on boar, elephant, polar bear etc.
Or if person mounted on ass.
Ivan find mounting on ass funny.
Jul 19, 2009, 2:23 pm
Joined: Apr 20, 2009
Posts: 23
Yeah thats what I thought he would do too, but he went crazy and tried to bite me. or it could have been i hurt one of his legs too much when i was zapping him with lightning.
Jul 19, 2009, 5:12 pm
Joined: Dec 11, 2008
Posts: 1,770
Ah that would be it then. If only I had that kind of luck...
System would indicate in graphic if person is mounted on horse or not.
Same system also show if person mounted on boar, elephant, polar bear etc.
Or if person mounted on ass.
Ivan find mounting on ass funny.
Jul 21, 2009, 9:14 am
Joined: Dec 2, 2007
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yes you only had to have hurt one leg to black, then he can't kick with only one leg
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