capristo wrote
Eagle V wrote
Random Pictures sometimes shows twice the same picture - can you change that?
I think that's fixed now
Spoiler tag works BUT...
SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see can only use one per topic... have to fix that
Pictures are fixed indeed, and spoiler tag is a good idea
EDIT: when I click the Spoiler tag in the quote box, it opens in the original post. While funny, I don't think that's meant to be
Sorry if I give you too much work, but you're doing great.
EDIT II: It seems to have fixed itself... Strange, I'm going to double-post for research purpose.
EDIT III: So far, it seems the bug only 'works' if you didn't edit your post. Editing and saving fixes it.
EDIT IV: Refreshing after editing the post re-activates the bug.