Enner Beast

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Spoiler Warning: This page contains spoilers which may affect your IVAN experience negatively

The Enner Beast is one of the unique monsters in IVAN. He enjoys fishing.


The Enner dwells in Gloomy Cave level 5.

Appearance and Abilities


As soon as the player enters Gloomy Cave 5, he will hear the wailing scream of the Enner Beast. The Beast cries so loudly that the soundwaves will damage the player and his allies. This might kill the player even before he can see the Beast. The damage depends on the distance between the player and the beast.

The Enner Beast can be tamed, but even when friendly his blasts will continue to harm the player, unless the horn of fear is removed from his possession.


When he is killed, he drops a Horn of Fear. Using this horn will produce a frightening, scream-like sound, but does not create the damaging soundwaves that the Enner does.


  • Leave glass bottles and potions on the level above you. If you take them with you, they will shatter from his cries. Either this, or dip your potions into cans
  • Similarly, find a permanent light source (such as a flaming sword), as your lantern will also shatter
  • Read a Scroll of Detect Material to pinpoint his location on the map (detect "enner beast flesh"), so that you don't waste time and health looking for him
  • Use Wands of fireballs or striking to attack him from a distance. Meleeing is risky if you are not very powerful