The Cathedral of Attnam


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Scar killed mufasa?
Scars are a unique feature added to the game in I believe 0.50.9 (Don't quote me) which are caused when you take a strong attack that doesn't outright destroy your limbs. It will reduce that limb's health, and also may reduces attributes depending where it hit (see [[scar|this]] for more details). Scars are annoying because they are basically permanent stat downs, but worry less. All you need to to is lose a limb, then regrow it using different means. This is easiest by wearing armor around all limbs but the one you want to lose and fighting. Be careful of panicking tho, and have an escape plan if SHTF.
Sometimes, it may even be beneficial to become scarred because it lowers your danger level, preventing stronger enemies from spawning. However, trying to abuse this can often lead bad situation. Take scars as just an interesting addition, and play as if they don't exist.


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