The Cathedral of Attnam


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Mangled Magic Mushroom Madness!?
-The celestial whip named [[Gleipnir]] (definitely one of my favorite weapons) is most sadly not a viable weapon for highscores. The damage and flexibility it provides is incredible, but the sulfuric acid pouring off of it won't be considered your kill and therefore not your points. You will lose a lot of potential points this way. As an extension of this, covering your [[mithril]] weapons with sulfuric acid and even just [[poison]] will lose points. Somewhat obscurely, allies with poison killing enemies through poison will not count towards points, so consider not making snakes your allies.
-As mentioned earlier, monster spawns decrease over time, so after you kill a certain amount, you really just won't see any more. If you clear dungeon after dungeon with weak monsters, you just won't get too many points. Instead, keeping monsters alive as long as possible and raising your danger level will ensure the most points. This is pretty hard to do though, so just continuously killing monsters is fine.
-Monsters spawns decrease over time, except when they don't. Much laugh very funny except it can become a nightmare. In the case of [[magic mushroom|magic mushrooms]], alive magic mushrooms can spawn in more of their type, which can leader to infinite farming that's not plants. However, at high danger levels, the mushrooms can spew clouds that polymorph other mushrooms into entities such as the elder mage, a sudden, terrifyingly powerful presence. Careful that your highscore run doesn't suddenly fall to mere mushroom made mages making many meager minded moods mad. See [ this] (Not a plug I swear)
-This last point is so obscure and potentially dangerous that I mention it more as a meme of an idea rather than an idea itself. There are traps scattered around the dungeons that I covered in the "Traps" section, which naive monsters may fall into. You should go disable them. Bear traps aren't to bad, just kicking active ones will take care of them. But mines... yeah... if a run is truly optimized... you gotta walk on mines to prevent monsters from doing so...


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