The Cathedral of Attnam


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A common question is this: how do you become as overpowered as possible? Of course, on of the very nice things about IVAN is that no matter how strong you are, somebody out there can whoop you, but there is an acceptable general equipment. While weapons are too much of a hot topic to argue about, A perfect loadout will probably have the following (excluding the obvious idea of high stats and highly enchanted valpurium/GEF/psypher gear):
Multiple Permanent Status Effects, especially ESP, Infravision, Polycontrol, Telecontrol, and Haste (see status effects for how to get them), A method of flight (Cloak of Flying/Belt of Levitation), An Amulet of Life Saving (or as many as you fancy), A Belt of Regeneration(Inferior to the belt of levitation, but useful otherwise), Gauntlets of strength/dexterity (the latter more preferable), Boots of strength/agility (the latter more preferable), A copy of all your gear(or at least a decent backup), some form of teleportation and a lot of it (wands preferred), Some forms of fire, electricity, and magic resistance (can be your rings), (Antidote Liquid/Panacea/A happy Seges), Scrolls of repair/ A happy Loriacatus, Some form of bravery (horn of bravery preferable), quick healing (Horn of Healing/Happy Seges preferable), some form of invisibility (Happy Cleptia/Wands Preferable), food (Troll Blood preferable), good allies (think permanent angels, Ivan, Vladimir, elite guards, necromancers, mages, mystic frogs, mistresses, resurrected named enemies, kamikaze dwarves ['''careful!'''])
Basically, you wanna look like [[One-eyed Sam]], but have more stuff.
You'll thank me for this. No matter how strong you think you are, if you sense danger, probably run. If the strong allies you receive from prayers or the journey are dying, unless you're much stronger than them or much more prepared (and you have to be very late game to do that), run. The point of the game, despite the title, is about surviving and earning glory. The best methods to live and fight another day are listed below. 1. The most effective method of escape is a wand of teleportation with [[telecontrol]] to get yourself out. 2. If not [[telecontrol]], still use a wand of teleport to get yourself away, not the enemy (many later enemies have telecontrol and its far better for you to know where the enemies are and not vice versa). If you don't have any charges left on your wand, it's still a good idea to break the wand using the 'a'pply key to teleport both you and the enemy. Another alternative of equal value is a prayer to Sophos. 3. If not a wand of teleport, read a scroll. Hopefully you have enough [[Intelligence]] to read it in time. 4. If you can't teleport... don't panic. As long as the enemy isn't too strong, you can still get away. Use a wand of invisibility on enemies without [[infravision]] '''and''' [[esp]]. Use a wand of [[polymorph]] with very hopefully [[polycontrol]] to turn into something that's fast/invisible/hard to hit. R'u'n with 'u' key to gain extra speed for a short while. Move diagonally around corners for a tiny boost. If the enemy starts hacking off limbs, pray to happy gods to hopefully get flexible limbs to help you run away. 5. If you can't do any of that... at least you lived up to the game title...
==Your Stash==


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