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Training Abilities added
Many, many years after the creation of [[JoKe's Guide to Elpuri]] (Which I do recommend you check out), I have decided as to also add my 2 cents on the topic of how to beat progress through Ivan 0.50. Despite me being generally new around the community, I believe even the best of players can learn something from this. It also will be a compilation of several pages of other work, so if you're ever feeling too lazy to search up a specific page, you can take a look here.
This will be split into 2 sections:
'''1. ''' A generalist guide detailing my opinions on certain weapons literally everything and tips/trick for clearing levels all the way to [[Elpuri]] and even the [[Lower Gloomy Caves]] (though spottier in the latter section).
'''2. ''' A spoiler guide chalk-full of dirtier tricks for everything allowed in the game. This means anything that the game allows is allowed, even if it's likely not intended. This section does '''not''' contain save scumming and code modification, which I don't bother to link as it completely takes the fun out of the game. This section will be marked with a second spoiler warning.
Many of these general tips are applicable through later versions, especially if you plan on taking on GC. Most of the exploits have been patched in the later versions, but feel free to experiment on any of them, wiz mode is great for testing out all your odd ideas (note that wiz mode in later version may allow some rules that aren't possible normally, such as wishing for ommel materials or cloning certain scrolls, so do be careful).
Enjoy ;p(and mind the humor, I don't mind)
==General Guide==
Weapons are an invaluable component in IVAN, dictating how much damage you are able to do to your enemies (unless for some reason you want to smack people with a frog head or use wield 2 shields) and knowing which ones are best .
Outside of weapons, training abilities and weapon effectiveness is important to becoming the all-powerful Ivan player you were meant to be. Many of these stats can be trained without much difficulty, but beware it is also easy for them to drop. Do note that while you can train stats as much as you want, your gains will become nominally smaller over time, and they is only a shadow the power of cloning [[ommel]] liquids and [[artificial limbs]] bring.
====[[Arm Strength]]====
AStr, or the ability to wield heavier weapons and do damage, is important for maximizing attack power by being unburdened by weapon weight. They also allow you to dig faster and fatigue slower, but that is harder relevant in most scenarios. Many of the top tier weapons mentioned above require two handed usage, but if arm strength is high enough, one can wield them in one hand without any problems. Here is a chart of arm strength required to wield heavy weapons.
*Chart- To be inserted*
To train arm strength, it's best to use heavy weapons to be able to use heavy weapons (See what I did there?). Halberds, Polearms, and Large swords all work wonders if made of heavy materials, particularly ones in the iron family. So don't throw away that large, inaccurate 2 handed iron sword just yet, it may kick up your level a notch. Outside of heavy weapons, digging also helps to train Astr, but it requires a constant and large food supply, and isn't necessary.
====[[Leg Strength]]====
LStr, or the ability to hold more items and buff up these scratches, allows you not only to hold more items, but also to escape from certain traps more easily (which won't be a problem if you are able to acquire a belt of levitation). Being burdened and stressed decrease your combat ability by a whooping 25% and 50% percent respectively, not even including being overloaded, so avoiding such unfortunate circumstances are life-saving. Surprising, this attribute does not matter as much as others, as it can be mitigated by carrying only essential equipment (see miscellaneous for more info). Despite that, it's still a good idea to keep LStr at a respectable level, enough so that losing use of one leg won't bother you too much.
To train leg strength, the simplest method is carry as items until you are stressed, and run around with them. Train leg strength before agility if you can, because running around stressed hurts your agility while the reverse is much less notable. You will require a steady stream of food for this too.
Dex, or the ability to attack accurately and quickly (arm agility), allows you to have a greater chance of hitting your enemies and being able to escape certain traps. Despite not having many applications, this is a vastly important ability as it ends fights much quicker, leaving you more likely to be alive.
To train dexterity, use fast attacking weapons to attack enemies, with the former being too weak to damage the latter, and the latter being to weak to hurt the wielder much. The perfect balance for this seems to be [[banana]] peels and greater [[carnivorous plant]]s, both which can be easily found every game. Pick up the peels from [[Huang Ming Pong]]'s hut, then take them to UT3 and let Jenny spawn the greater carnivorous plants. Whack on them as you please, but beware your [[Stamina]]'''<-- Seriously, I mean it'''
Agi, or the ability to do things faster (leg dexterity), speeds up your actions and allows you to chase or flee (but mostly flee) enemies. It can also increase your dodge chances.
To train agility, just run around. Even normal dungeon exploration will train agility, but remember that being burdened or worse hurts that training, and being satisfied or higher also hurts that training. For the greatest results, run around in the world map with little materials except for necessary food, which should only be used to raise you up to barely satisfied every once in a while
End, or the opposite of the beginning, the step after the middle, the... you know, is the ability to take a hit. It also increases your [[stamina]] and overall regeneration rate. This stat is the most controversial one here, as having high health does make fights safer, but also dramatically increase your danger level to annoying enemies like dwarves(ugh), mages(eugh), and named enemies(aeiou).
If you must train your Endurance, taking damage and healing it up generally will increase your health over time. '''Do not''' think this means you should chug sulfuric acid or eat 3 snakes in a row to get permanent poison, instead, take light damage from enemies and just heal it over time. School food is also useful increasing Endurance, but know that it only has about a 1/3 chance of success and will poison you regardless. At least it doesn't spoil...
====[[Intelligence]] and [[Wisdom]]====
Int and Wis, or how smart you are, have been grouped together because training Int almost always trains Wis at the same time. They do have different purposes though. Intelligence allows you to transformed items into a higher quality, see farther with ESP, read faster and teleport farther. Wisdom increase the rate at which your relationship will gods change. From reading, intelligence is obviously more helpful, but since both are trained at the same time, consider it a combined benefit.
To train the two, [[Science Talking]] will be the main method of slowly but surely upping your stats. [[reading]] [[scrolls]] and praying to [[gods]] will also help, if you have enough (See miscellaneous for maximizing scroll reading).
Cha, or the ability to scam the scammers, allows you to sell items in shops for higher prices and buy them at lower ones. That's it
To train Cha, sell and buy stuff, [[Science Talking|talk]] with [[Richel Decos]] when you reach 10 int and 15 cha, and issue commands to your [[pets|allies]]. It's a waste of time though, just letting you know.
===Prayers and Gods===
This section contains various non-cheating tips that will just make your life 27% or more less frustrating, guaranteed.


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