The Cathedral of Attnam


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1,719 bytes added ,  14:39, 25 May 2014
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See [[Character - Old|here]] for older article.
You are the player and you will guide your hero/adventurer/character through the [[dungeon]]s of IVAN. You can only have a single hero at a time , but the [[Ghost|bone files]] can provide a kind of a limited interaction with former characters.
Your adventurer has [[Hit Points]], attributes, an [[alignment]] and [[skills]]. He also has a purse (to hold your [[Gold coins|gold]]) and a backpack (or [[inventory]]).
You always start the game accompained by a [[Pets|pet]] Kenny the [[Puppy]] who is intended to help you, especially in the early stages of the game.
== Attributes ==
You have nine basic attributes, showing your physical or mental capabilities. All attributes can be trained and lost, as well as gained through [[:Category:Ommel fluids|other]] [[Holy banana|means]].
There are also two attributes unused as of the [[Version History|current version]], Willpower (Wil) and Mana. They are defined in the game files, nonetheless, and the latter one is confirmed to be prepared here for an upcoming magic system.
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1"
! width="50"|AStr
| width="100"|[[Arm Strength]] || width="350"|Ability to wield heavy weapons[[weapon]]s and do more damage in melee.
! LStr
| [[Leg Strength]] || Increased kick damage, ability to carry heavy [[items]].
! Dex
| [[Dexterity]] || Ability to place traps [[trap]]s, attack fast and block attacks.
! Agi
| [[Agility]] || Increased movement speed and ability to dodge attacks.
! End
! Per
| [[Perception]] || Ability to see longer distances away, also affects dodging.
! Int
| [[Intelligence]] || Ability to cause magical effects (such as changing materials)and use magical tools.
! Wis
! HP
| [[Hit Points]] || Whenever the HP of one of your body parts falls to 0, that body part is destroyed. You can loose limbs that way, but if a vital body part of yours (such as your head, torso or groin) is destroyed, you die.
| colspan="2"| [[Talent|Talents and a Weaknesses]] || How easy/hard is it is for you to improve attributes.
== Status Effects ==
 During your exploration, your character may get various status effects. Depending on how you got the status, it may be permanent. Permanent states are written in blue below your character sheet, otherwise they are written in white.Not all status effects are shown by default, you may have to use a [[Tools|stethoscope]] to find out all the effects that influence you. 
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1"
| style="background:#ccc"|Name
| style="background:#ccc"|Effect
| style="background:#ccc"|Can be [[Fountains|permanent]]?
| width="140"|Diseases
 ==Physical States== These are not induced by magic but rather by the way you treat your body. Most of the physical states relates to your [[hunger]], [[encumberance]] and [[stamina]]. Several other descriptive states can appear in your status line, such as Reading or Resting. They doesn't mean anything more or less than what they say. 
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1"
| style="background:#ccc"|Name
| style="background:#ccc"|Effect
| width="140"|Overfed!
| width="385"|
| width="140"|Bloated
| width="140"|[[Panicked]]
| width="385"|State during which you are running and can't stop, rest or attack unless cornered.
| width="140"|[[Exhausted]]
| width="385"|
| width="140"|Fainting!
| width="385"|
 == Alignments == [[Alignment]]s ==in IVAN is a trichotomy:
* Lawful
* Neutral
* Chaotic
It mostly describes your personality, but also relates to your ability to interact with [[gods]].
[[Category:Character Attributes]]


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