The Cathedral of Attnam


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===UT4: The crystal cave===
Silva altarThe entrance to UT4 is located in UT2 embedded into a pillar of rock in a large rounded room, 3 something you should have found early on in the game. UT4 always contains three light crystal golems, which at the start of the game are very much lethal. If you're clearing UT4 after GC8, they shouldn't be too difficult. Like with any tough golems, try avoid being hit when possible with invisibility dancing. The main danger of UT4 at this stage usually comes from the possibility of named NPC spawns. They are not any more likely to appear here than anywhere else, but as you are likely close to reaching the end-game equipment and stats by now, any fully new level has a very high chance of generating one. Explore carefully. There is not much in the way of loot or other valuable stuff here, but if you're lacking a permanent lightsource, you can pick one of the light sourcescrystals here. There's also a guaranteed altar of Silva located somewhere on the level. Once the level is clear, move on back to New Attnan.
===Liberating New Attnam===
Easy You should be rather well equipped by now. If you aren't, take some time enchanting and upgrading your gear now if you can. You can free New Attnam from the capitalist oppressors by killing all the guards, Decos, the shopkeeper, grower encourager and the tourists. This doesn't provide anything useful, but is rather something I tend to do regardless for the fun of it. The only even remotely dangerous NPC here is Decos himself. Even he's not that tough, but you should still take some care around him especially if you're not very well equipped. Haste/slow etc as pieyou see fit. Take care to not hit any of the villagers or damage the infrastructure; doing so will anger the whole town and force you to kill everyone instead. Avoid offensive wands if you can. Once New Attnam has been liberated, there's only one level remaining before a freedom victory.
===GC9: The dark level===
The final showdownGloomy Caves 9, the home of Elpuri.If you're only planning on taking a freedom victory, you should use whatever enchantment scrolls you have and boost your equipment as high as possible before going down. Anything you have remaining after Elpuri is dead will be wasted. Get yourself hasted (at least empty a full wand and break it), drop all wands and glass potions except one wand of slow and 2-3 teleports. and read a scroll of detect material and look for frog flesh again right after coming down the stairs. Make note of where most of the frogs are located, and memorize the location of the single mystic dark frog on the level. You will want to kill it as soon as possible, just like on GC7. You may also notice a large-ish gap between all the frogs; that's where Elpuri will be located. If you're in range, teleport to the mystic frog now, kill it and escape back to the stairs. Make sure you won't be too close to Elpuri's location when going in. With any luck, you'll make it in and out before he gets in range. Once the mystic frog is dead, you're free to clear the level a bit. Try to look for long, straight corridors: these are the ones you'll want to fight Elpuri in. Keep making your way towards Elpuri while clearing the level. When you find him again, slow him a few times and kite him like any other NPC. More than ever, do not let him hit you under any circumstances, especially if carrying wands! He will break any and all openly in your inventory with one bite, plus seriously danger those held in chests or lockboxes. You will not want wands of haste, slow, polymorph or the likes exploding on you here, not to even speak of fireballs or striking. If you get backed into a corner or otherwise cannot keep kiting by running, teleport ahead or back a bit and keep going. It may take a while to burn through his 3000 HP, but he will die with enough hits provided you do not screw up. If all goes well, Elpuri should now be dead. Clear out the rest of the level, don't touch the portal, remember to pick up the head and bring it back to Petrus in Attnam. Talk with him with C for chat, not V for vomit. Congratulations on your freedom victory, and well done! If this was your first victory, go brag on the official forums of your valor!


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