'''--Sci Talking--'''
This is my least favorite method of starting out. My knowledge of this technique is mostly non-existent. The concept is that you can raise your Wisdom and Intelligence stats by using the "Chat" command on specific NPCs over and over and over again. If you want more information on this technique, check out the "Science Talking" link on this wiki's homepage.
--'''--Trap Collecting--'''
Slob recommends that you hang out in front of the Sumo Wrestler and gather the banana peels he leaves behind after eating bananas, so that you can then use the banana peels afterwards as traps by placing them on the ground and allowing monsters to walk into them. While I suppose there might be some benefit in this strategy, I really see no reason to go through so much trouble. If you like traps, go ahead. If not, you're not really going to miss out on much.