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Posted by vasiliy, Nov 7, 2017 at 8:22 am
small update: fixed bug in 'g'o (it should not skip items in corners anymore); fixed ancient bug in object pool (the game should not crash due to "pool desync" if it detected broken save anymore); various small improvements.
Posted by vasiliy, Nov 6, 2017 at 3:51 am
2fejoa: as bones basically just level saves, they should benefit too. tbh, i mostly thought about bones when i started working on this: it is too painful to loose 'em all each time i bumping version number (and it happens quite often in k8ivan). and yes, i can get rid of level ids encoded in bone file name too: it's not hard to scan bone headers and extract all the info game need.

2capristo: ah, it is already possible to cheat with programs like CheatEngine, and even easier: by just changing values in script/ (see ut script in k8ivan: it spawns alot of impossible shit near the entrance if player name is '_k8_'). security by obscurity never really worked. and, tbh, i see no reason to stop cheaters: if people want to ruin their pleasure, why should we stop 'em? it is their decision, after all.

on the other side, textual saves will allow not only cheating, but human inspecting of a save in the case of some problems. analyzing save files is almost impossible now (due to how saves are implemented). as a developer, i must confess that i never even thought about writing "save file analysis tool" due to it's complexity. textual saves rox for devs.

and, btw, we can just encrypt saves with some simple algo, so lazy people won't just edit 'em with their text editor. or write something like a checksum (as for highscores), so modified saves will be rejected.

anyway, text saves won't come in a day or two (even my developement speed is not that high %-). first i have to add names for all saved values, and sections for objects. which require wrapping all binary i/o in ugly macros (sigh) and lambdas.

as for now, i catched one bug with wrong type i/o, harmless for x86, but disasterous (i think) for x86_64. not that k8ivan works for x86_64 at all, tho: i don't have x86_64 system to test it on, so i simply disabled 64-bit builds with `static_assert()`. %-)
Posted by vasiliy, Nov 5, 2017 at 12:34 pm
slowly rewriting save/load code. the game will use textual entity names, and textual config names, so it will be possible to change scripts without invalidating saves. in the faaaaar future i may switch to human-readable textual saves (if everything will work as expected).
Posted by vasiliy, Nov 5, 2017 at 4:07 am
refactored earthquake code into reusable method. falling bricks will kill immobile creatures now, regardless of their HP (so earthquake will kill Jenny, for example, 'cause she has no room to escape falling bricks).
Posted by vasiliy, Nov 4, 2017 at 5:29 am
siren never notices that her song was unsuccessfull, so she never proceed to humanoid AI. basically, siren will stand still if there is any character in adjacent square. this not only blocks spawned sirens movement, but will cause elven ambassador to block Attnam's temple entry forever, if she'll manage to get into it.
Posted by vasiliy, Nov 4, 2017 at 5:28 am
fixed siren AI bug: siren never notices that her song was unsuccessfull, so she never proceed to humanoid AI. basically, siren will stand still if there is any character in adjacent square. the bug is present in comm. fork too. this not only blocks spawned sirens movement, but will cause elven ambassador to block Attnam's temple entry forever, if she'll manage to get into it.
Posted by vasiliy, Nov 4, 2017 at 2:18 am
small update:
• fixed crash with ctrl+arrows in wilderness (in dungeon, ctrl+arrow will invoke 'g'o command).
• OpenGL renderer is mandatory now; also, use power-of-two texture, so older intel videocard emulators will work too.
Posted by vasiliy, Nov 4, 2017 at 2:18 am
small update:
• fixed crash with ctrl+arrows in wilderness (in dungeon, ctrl+arrow will invoke 'g'o command).
• OpenGL renderer is mandatory now; also, use power-of-two texture, so older intel videocard emulators will work too.
Posted by vasiliy, Nov 3, 2017 at 3:48 am
also, mtPaint is nice to work with pngs too.
Posted by vasiliy, Nov 2, 2017 at 1:01 pm
here's my console utility to copy graphics. it can load paletted png or pcx file, and writes .new.png files. use it like this:

zgfxcopy.exe Item.png destx desty Item.pcx srcx srcy

here, "Item.png" is destination file, "Item.pcx" is source file, "dest" and "src" are destination and source coordinates in pixels, respectively. it will create "" file with 16x16 tile copied, and will try to do color translation for you.

dunno if it will work right with comm. pngs, tho: for some unknown reason comm. fork has palette written backwards, and color translation code may be confused by that.
Attached files
zgfxcopy.7z (332.21 kb)