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i made a lantern little less bright, and made memorized tiles little darker. i think the undergrounds looks more… "undergroundy" this way.
i swapped the meanings, and changed pink to orange, and now it looks much better.
this one change, btw, was done not out of desire of add even more color, but for practical reasons. i want to know if i have something more to equip in a slot without selecting the slot and looking into new list. i'm not a Real Hardcore Player, so i often don't remember what i have in my inventory. %-)
sure, this can be turned into configurable option. but i'm not planning to turn it off anyway, so i am too lazy to add an option for that (i already have 27 options in list, lol).
i'm sure that the list can be made better with careful color selection, tho. designing good UIs is something i absolutely cannot do. %-)
p.s.: aaargh, vasily's engrish again. let it be.
yeah, the color is too aggressive, i prolly should tone it down a bit. i just took the predefined constant, 'cause manually creating 16-bit colors is somewhat hard. yet i switched to c++14, so i can use constexpr for that now.
also, equipment screen is color-coded now: red color means "i have nothing usable for this slot", and pink color means "there is only one usable item for this slot, and it is equipped right now".
another (possibly) usable idea implemented: the game will ask you if you want to wear both gauntlets/boots if there are stack of two, and two usable limbs.
looks like i am from that minority whose members have aquaphobia. or fountainphobia. for some reason i never praying too. no wonder i never won a single game, i guess.
yeah. i see the tool as something that allows you to draw predefined room shapes, place items, and edit random appearance properties, with "generate sample level" button to get a rough "feeling" of how it would look in the game. it prolly should use game graphics for this.
but if somebody has a better idea, or want to sketch an UI, you're welcome.
i'll prolly start with something simple that allows a user to draw a room, place items inside, and set some room/item properties, and we'll see what will come next.
no defined terms, tho — it may happen, or may not, i don't know yet. i have to port some code from C++ to D (my language of preference) first. i'm not planning to invest any additional efforts into windows support, but due to the cross-platform nature of the libraries i plan to use, the same code should work both in windows and GNU/Linux, so i'll prolly provide prebuilt windows binaries.
in the meantime, i am slowly writing some low-level support code, and still open to high-level suggestions.
don't even tell me that you all still creating it all manually. there should be some sort of tool to make it easier. at least to visualise the things. please, point me to it, so i will fork and mutilate it.
please, don't say that i have to create such tool from the scratch. i know, "road to death" and all that, but have at least some mercy!
and if you have no mercy, then at least help me with your ideas. how do you see teh UI of such editor? go wild! i'm not promising anything, but who knows... throw your ideas against the wall, and we'll see.
yet it will prolly require new set of aquaticaly-themed monsters. or you can have a sidequest with "scroll of revealing of old lands" as a revard. the only scroll that can be read on world map for visible terrain effect: read near the sea, it will raise the old island with a dungeon. but you will still need belt of levitation to get there. smth. like that.
the dungeon still can be hard, dark, and nasty. and it can has occasional new enemies limited to it (one or two, to make things more interesting). and, of course, a Big Boss. but i don't know what revard you can find in there, 'cause i'm absolutely sux at storytelling.
be the way: with all that water around, some sort of sailing and/or hidden underwater dungeon is simply begs to appear.