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Posted by slob, Jun 7, 2008 at 12:26 pm
wow, first win is high priest. impressive, even with GEF limbs. 49 int from scrolls and books, I've never done that - you must have had an ubersmart char. I always have to sci talk to get 50 wis/int. what were you other stats and what day was it.
Posted by slob, Jun 4, 2008 at 11:43 am
ive had 64 hp and giant plants worth less than 1 point. who wants to kill over 20000 of the mofoes?
Posted by slob, Jun 4, 2008 at 11:13 am
yeah I've done that many times. It was Freelance Berzerker who discovered this (god rest his soul). I usually do it with whips.

just so you know giant carnivorous plants aren't always worth 10 points. early on they are worth 20 but as you get a higher danger value their worth goes down. to supertrain weapon skill you have to keep you HP low. I good way to do this is pray to mellis for healing fluids and drink half whenever you lose 2 HP, that plus wear elite guard armour.

Some characters train certain stats better than others so 64 weapon skill is not always possible on UT3. I find mammoths and valpurium golems are often necessary.

I have never one the game with 64 weapon skill. As freelance noted the skeletons and zombies get uber tough and will one shot you.

Also, if you use the same weapon to train with you skill with that individual weapon can hit 64 as well but it only nets you a 175% bonus.

I seem to recall the devs weighing in on this when freelance discovered it and I believe they said it was unintentional.
Posted by slob, May 31, 2008 at 10:30 pm
yes she can for a mere 20 gold
Posted by slob, May 31, 2008 at 10:30 pm
Antidote does not work for lycanthropy AFAIK. try gre or white uni flesh or a healer.
Posted by slob, May 29, 2008 at 12:58 pm
list off all the altars you have found and i will tell you what to offer or check wiki for gods info. Do you have any books? I think you need to get in good with mellis and seges and boost your HP.

once you pray to Mortifier for neerc seulb you have to wait something like 4 days before you can pray again. If you have any big backpacks you can blow up Golgor Dhan or Ur Khan.
Posted by slob, May 28, 2008 at 11:52 pm
Spawn angels. the more gods you can pray to the more likely you will get angels. it is possible to pray to Dulcis and Nefas and every god inbetween.

read books. beside boostin you int/wis you can manipulate god relations. If your gods are spawning Arch angels and you are too dumb to scitalk with them then you can read books of other gods to lower you relations with them. Lower them enough and they will spawn regular angels again.

tame dark frogs, master necros, mages

get polycontrol and go on a fountain crawl

clone shitloads of scrolls and . not all scrolls are equal SOCM is best for int boost

Don't forget there are sneakier ways to get high int. With polycontrol you can polymorph into something smarter. while polypiling one game i was able to get earlier octiron gear because i polyed into a mage with 35 int and had a helm of brilliance +3 and some SoEAs and soHMs. the only problem with this method is that you don't gain any permanent INT boosts.
Posted by slob, May 28, 2008 at 10:55 pm
if only it were that easy
Posted by slob, May 26, 2008 at 3:00 pm
I had apretty funny early game death yesterday. I had a good character who trained Agi and Int/wis easily - he had a +1 Agi, +2 wis, and +1 int (and +2 Cha) just by sci talkig with the banana growers for the first 800 turns. this is the kind of char that get 50 Int/wis with ease. I went into UT after telling my puppy to "Stay!", and there was a fountain by the stairs. So I asked myself" Do you feel lucky? Well do ya, huh, punk?" and the answer was yes. I got a few stats boosts and then I got "an uncomfortable uncertainty" aboutwho i really was. So I kept drinking. Next a dark frog spawned and I thought "oh shit, no armour, no weapons, I'm fucked" but I actually beat him fairly easily. So I kept drinking. Fool. Then a conical green momo slime spawned and vomited acid all over me. I knew I was toast but I started wailing on the slime with my bare fists as the flesh melted from my bones. my arms and legs melted off and just when i thought i was doomed I morphed into a black unicorn. After a few swift kicks the slime exploded and I climbed the stairs and headed for the healer. Partway there i changed back to a legless one armed (grey-striped) human and rolled into the healers. 40 gp got me a couple of new legs but i only made it 4 more steps before my head dissolved.
Posted by slob, May 24, 2008 at 8:45 pm
yes i mean game time

About Agility: to train it you need to run all the time while unburdened. the easiest way to run non-stop is to get to know Mellis and pray every 3 hours with empty/broken bottles. Any fluid you drink will remove exhaustion, water, troll blood, healing, ommel stuff - even alcohol, poison and acid (though i don;t recommend the last two). Being burdened/stressed or bloated/overfed will also cause you to lose agility

you have enough wis to sci talk to angels, that should get you to 20 int, also you can talk to the greater light frogs in cathedral