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Posted by red_kangaroo, Sep 23, 2017 at 3:43 pm
Just ask any priest - they're quite good at curing everything.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Aug 28, 2017 at 10:33 am
A few things to look forward to:

* Two new bosses, a secret one and a less secret one!

* Expanded Attnam (and its underground)!

* Many new dialogue lines and more in-game stories!

* New music!

* Siren songs and more...

Posted by red_kangaroo, Aug 13, 2017 at 12:47 pm
It saved me a few times when I eg. lost use of both hands and thus couldn't teleport out of the hassle, or when I was dying of musterd gas with no more healing left. I also find it quite nice to have for boss fights, as it prevents a stray critical from ending your life in one hit.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Aug 11, 2017 at 2:10 pm
Amulets are unbreakable, as are the rings.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Aug 11, 2017 at 10:22 am
From all the uniques you can randomly encouter, I find the reward you get for defeating Guug quite underwhelming. By the time I normally fight him, I don't care for a ruby stone or two that might drop from him.

I would suggest to change him so that he has a random amulet in his inventory. Thus, defeating him would give you nice reward - generally an amulet of ESP, which is nice, but rarely you could find the other amulets, which are even nicer.

Given we're talking about a reward for an already non-guaranteed unique, I don't see a problem with guaranteeing an amulet drop from him. You won't see him in many games, and you still have to beat him to claim the amulet.

Plus sometimes, he will generate with an amulet of life saving and use it himself instead of letting you take it from his corpse. (At least I hope monsters can equip amulets in their inventories...)

What do you think?
Posted by red_kangaroo, Aug 11, 2017 at 7:50 am
All status effects not granted by equipment are cleared on death. This normally does not matter, but when you eat enough blink dogs or floating eyes to get their effect permanently and then you die with AoLS, you will be life saved with the effect cleared.

I found out when a zombie of a vampire killed me on TX 8 and suddenly, I was unable to teleport away safely.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Aug 8, 2017 at 1:21 am
chaostrom wrote
almost any game with equipment and stats will have ascension gear

Definitely, and that's why I see no problem with requiring the player to obtain fire resistance in each game - but if there is only one item that gives fire resistance, than that's a problem.

chaostrom wrote
a wider pool of ascension gear

And this is good.

Ivan is not actually that bad in this regard, because fire resistance can be gained from multiple sources (and even than is not strictly necessary, but good luck surviving kamikaze dwarves) and all other gear can be reasonably socm'd and enchanted to end-game quality. Weapons in Ivan are actually very well balanced - you are not required to find an artifact weapon like in NetHack or ADOM, you can use any weapon you like and it can be as powerful as most artifacts, only without added magical benefits. However, some equipment slots could still have more variance - especially something you caould take in place of a belt of levitation, or some good boots comparable to boots of agility. Widening the pool of ascension gear is good, IMHO.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Aug 7, 2017 at 3:49 pm
capristo wrote
Agreed. Even better if you could view the logs through the game (and that way see the graphics of the monsters & equipment, etc.)

That would be nice, but we should also have plain text logs, becase those are easy to post somewhere without the need to, once again, screenshotting your logs.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Aug 7, 2017 at 9:05 am
What about a tin amulet of mental protection that blocks ESP?

I still think it would be a neat effect, especially for sneaking under the noses of mages or mystic frogs, and giving this effect to an item rather than a material would not necessitate special casing like the change to tin as a material would. Plus having it as an effect would allow eg. magic mushroom flesh to rarely cause it.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Aug 7, 2017 at 8:50 am
It might be nice to try and differentiate the enemy rooster for each dungeon a bit, so you'll see different enemies in lower GC and at the end of TX. While I would have nothing against more differentiated end-game enemies and different obstacles to tackle, I don't think the problem with best ascension kit right now is only in end-game enemies.

You need fire resistance by the time mines start appearing in GC or TX, otherwise you're more or less toast. Cloak of fire resistance is actually the least offender, because we also have the ring and an amulet of elemental protection, which can be used for the resistance. I also don't think it's bad to require the player to have the resistance if s/he want's to have a good chance of survival - just give them the options to gain the resistance from more than a single item.

However, boots of agility are great because of the speed boost they give you, speed being the god stat in most roguelikes for the simple reason that being able to react faster makes it easier to deal with any situation and prevents other monsters from double-turning you with possibly dire consequences. I would still like to see some good reason to wear other boots - boots of strength are already occasionally quite useful, especially if you have low LStr and find a good but heavy armor. Boots of kicking need a large buff, IMHO. Some other boots to compete with agility would be nice. Even if agility still was the best boots, some players might pick a different boots when offered the choice (or is they are running with aritifical limbs and don!t need more Agi).

Belt of levitation is simply superior. No questions. Levitation is very, very powerful, and I think it's good you can only get the belt through a side-quest or a wish. However, adding some more belts you might consider when you don't get levitation, or even when you get levitation, would be very nice. I was thinking about a belt of protection (no magical effect, but very much buffed AV, maybe even unbreakable), or belt of giant strength (enchantment increases both AStr and LStr; yes, it's strong, but it could be as rare as artifacts and would be able to compete with levitation).