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Posted by fejoa, Oct 22, 2016 at 4:18 am
chaostrom wrote
You can throw all your useless potions against a wall and break them
...and break the wall.

chaostrom wrote
Scabies is somewhat interesting, but just not worth praying to currently. Random polymorph? Too much of a gamble. Splash poison on enemies around you? Too weak! Leprosy? No thanks. We need to add some other prayer effects that are still risky but worth it. Why not diseases that'll inflict confusion, or severe vomiting? Flesh-eating bacteria, necrosis, paralysis, there's a whole host of nasty things we can use. The other thread says there's too much healing, Scabies is the ideal candidate to force the player to down that stockpile.

She could mutate your limbs into crab claws and tentacles. Heh, if you become her champion, you could become a full-blooded mutant!
Posted by fejoa, Oct 21, 2016 at 7:24 pm
chaostrom wrote
No, we don't want to force people to play chaotic characters for regenerative options. If we change healing potions to not do that, then the only other option is the rare wand. Also, making people rely more on artificial limbs from prayers is also counter-productive to anyone wanting an all-natural limb challenge if the very act of keeping all-natural limbs is harder. The biggest issue here is the stockpiling, which mostly comes down to Mellis being too damn generous. I think we should be looking at him instead of the base mechanics.
Ok, I completely agree with all these counter-arguments.

Ighalli wrote
Healing fluid & troll blood will still regenerate limbs, it's just no a guarantee anymore. If you're at full HP, it's a 1 in 2.5 chance to grow a limb.
Is that for 100ml?

Ighalli wrote
If your HP were lower, they'll be healed first and any healing left over has a chance to fix a limb. In this version, drinking 500 mL while at full HP has a 92% chance to get you a limb, and a full 1 L bottle is >99% likely to grow back a limb. It's just likely that only 100 mL will do nothing for your limb, and it's possible that a full liter of healing liquid will grow back multiple limbs and heal them. I doubt the balance will change much, but now the RNG can screw you over occasionally.

That's an interesting change. I like the way it causes the player to be judicious about when to use healing liquid.
Posted by fejoa, Oct 21, 2016 at 7:01 pm
I always thought the idea behind the lawful gods was that they could get you out of sticky situations, while the chaotic gods give you awesome abilities over time but don't help you when you're in trouble.

EDIT: I also like the proposed changes above, and the Legifer/Cruentus enchanting thing has good inherent balance.

capristo wrote
It sounds like we are moving towards making Charisma a much more powerful trait. It's not just a pretty face any more, it could potentially cause others to join your team, etc.

To this end, is there a roadmap where we can put all the suggested changes into a to do list? I think github has this facility, only I haven't taken the time just yet to explore how this works. Would someone be willing to administer such a list?
Posted by fejoa, Oct 21, 2016 at 6:49 pm
I love it!
Posted by fejoa, Oct 20, 2016 at 6:08 pm
True. Maybe it should stay at the same rate then, seeing as healing liquid would lose its limb regeneration ability. It should enhance Cruentus' appeal as a supplier of you know what.
Posted by fejoa, Oct 20, 2016 at 5:09 pm
red_kangaroo wrote
Sounds good!

So let's say we're comfortable with the idea. What numbers would make this balanced? If we make troll blood rarer, by what proportion should we make healing liquid more common?
How rare should troll blood be?
Posted by fejoa, Oct 20, 2016 at 1:06 pm
red_kangaroo wrote
I actually agree that getting limbs back is way too easy once you have some healing fluid. It would be much more fun if you had to find a priest to get your normal limb back, or pray for new limbs from strange materials.

We could separate healing liquid and Troll Blood, so that healing liquid only heals HP, while troll blood either heals HP or regenerates a limb, and make troll blood rarer? At the moment both do both, only one of the two contributes to nutrition.
Posted by fejoa, Oct 17, 2016 at 5:26 am
It might be worth investigating how each of the stats balance out currently. For example Cha is a stat with a highly limited set of uses, while Int at least anecdotally has a huge range of purposes. Maybe Cha could also be expanded in addition to Wil?
Posted by fejoa, Oct 17, 2016 at 5:19 am
Yes this is the very essence of IVAN!
Posted by fejoa, Oct 16, 2016 at 5:10 am
I don't know if I plan to include a mushroom level on XT. It can always be transplanted to a new, as yet undesigned dungeon however.
I do remember the mushroom level from LIVAN, it was chaotic as hell once those magic mushrooms got going...