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Posted by chaostrom, Nov 3, 2011 at 5:28 am
Awesome. The SquashMonster is back. Last I saw you was on jconserv, which is already a good 5 years ago. Holy shit.

In any case, the only one around nowadays is Warheck.
Posted by chaostrom, Nov 1, 2011 at 10:10 pm
Impressive! Blob would indeed approve of this (as would Planplan), and any other Frenchman that follows the Violent Road to Death. Welcome, trotter.

Eagle V wrote
"X hurle: 'Oh my frog, Y's got Z' "
... Z is the article ('a'/'an') and name of the carried weapon.
Z is not an article! Don't insult the man like that
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 28, 2011 at 7:23 am
This thread is just to share and reminise about your most memorable characters. Not including winners on the Honour Rolls. Who are your best and worst characters? You can rank them by score, how far they got, chronological order, whatever... You can also include characters that weren't really good or bad, but were noteworthy for other reasons.

1. My first great character. Went around with a flaming sword and war hammer (both mithril and enchanted, I think). Died in UT4 to a golem with no legs and only one arm, because it got lucky and crit his groin.

2. This guy got the furthest. Went as far as GC 6, ran down to GC 7 to escape the zombie hordes, but they followed him down and mauled him x_x

3. Details are hazy, but he got to GC 4. Ambushed by orcs with axes +5 on the way back up.

4. My latest. The born-to-be-an-assassin guy I posted in the awesome gaming moments thread. You know how that went.

1. He entered UT and found a welcoming party. What exactly I don't remember. The starting room was full, however. He never got out.

2. Entered UT. No welcoming party. Yay! Door opens. Enter hedgehog. Kenny engages the enemy! Kenny is one-shot. Hero is doomed 0_0

3. Exploring UT 1. No armour whatsoever, and no good weapons. What happens? He gets punched to death by a freaking kobold (with an ommel hair cloak and shield, but still, a KOBOLD). Hilarious.

1. He was doing okay, had high hopes for him. BLUE SCREEN. Couldn't even load the auto-save. Bill got him good :/

2. My personal most epic death. He was doing fabulously, even found an amulet of life saving while still in UT. While exploring UT 3, he steps in an active adamantine bear trap. While struggling all limbs are trapped. Greater and giant carnivorous plants spring up on all sides. He bites back valiantly but the 8 plants quickly devour him. The amulet of life saving kicks in! He is freed from the diabolical bear trap! However by that point a lot of his armour was broken and though he tried to get out, more plants spawned the moment he tried, and he quickly suffered a second death.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 27, 2011 at 3:26 am
Wouldn't you want more AStr for more damage though?
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 27, 2011 at 3:24 am
The search function and the advanced edit button seem to be broken.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 21, 2011 at 12:13 am
The 8ball is on IRC. It's Bored's.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 18, 2011 at 12:07 am
dhsk232 says (3:55 PM):
oh yeah, and this is creepy
... do you think mortifer should have sharks since valpurus has dolphins?
Macho Messiah says (3:55 PM):
Izzy says yes
dhsk232 says (3:55 PM):
Macho Messiah says (3:55 PM):
I agree
dhsk232 says (4:01 PM):
should they be one-eyed sharks, as above, or normal sharks
Macho Messiah says (4:02 PM):
How about sharks with frikken laser beams coming out of their third eye
dhsk232 says (4:02 PM):
Macho Messiah says (4:02 PM):
Also they're necromancers
And they can transform into walking sharks
Credit goes to Izzy for 90% of this
dhsk232 says (4:03 PM):
dhsk232 says (4:04 PM):
should be some world-devouring wyrm with a one-eyed shark's head that fires lasers on par with orbital cannons
that'd be more suitable for the destroyer of worlds
Macho Messiah says (4:05 PM):
Should be a post end-game event for non chaos wins
dhsk232 says (4:05 PM):
no, not wyrm
Macho Messiah says (4:05 PM):
dhsk232 says (4:05 PM):

Macho Messiah says (4:05 PM):
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 12, 2011 at 9:52 pm
Actually enchantments aren't a flat 1 damage boost. I tried looking for the source of the info but failed to do so; may give it another try later.

EDIT: If you want to try looking for it, I think it was on greatboards. An example was given using a whip.

EDIT: Still can't find it, but I did find this, which is immensely useful info.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:04 am
Enchantments also boost damage, however.
Posted by chaostrom, Oct 9, 2011 at 11:24 pm
Isn't weight a factor also?