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Posted by chaostrom, May 21, 2017 at 12:22 am
Isn't that irrelevant if you randomly polymorph?
Posted by chaostrom, May 10, 2017 at 5:04 am
As a matter of fact, Enner doesn't have any attacks besides the screams, so you can freely poke him to death as a ghost.
Posted by chaostrom, May 8, 2017 at 1:04 am
I wasn't serious about either of those, I was just throwing out ideas, but it seems you guys like the sound of the decapitator axes. If we're going to balance them seriously, I can think of two ways for two different ways of coding it.

1. What I first said, they perform worse than normal. Since they rely on the gimmick of decapitation they do worse than normal axes against anything without a head to sever. Both less damage and less accuracy, which means for the character to see any decapitation either there's;
A. A high, flat chance of the effect triggering. For example, a 5% chance whenever you swing, or;
B. An even higher chance whenever you manage to strike them in the head (as suggested in the post above) since you need to hit them in the head first. For example, 20%.

2. Trade off damage for accuracy, for even lower chance of decapitation but letting it perform more or less evenly across the board since it won't be relying on its gimmick as much. Low damage, high accuracy.
A. So here it would be something like 1%, and;
B. Here it'd be more like 3%.

These would be special variants of normal axes, not battle-axes, and would spawn randomly.
Posted by chaostrom, May 4, 2017 at 11:40 pm
red_kangaroo wrote
Actually, that's the point of the ring - polymorph can be powerful, and with the ring, the random polymorphs from prayers to Scabies would no longer suck.

Actually you're missing the point here. You've got the steps backwards. How do you get championship gifts in the first place? Who do you think is going to bother taking the time and risk of praying to Scabies without that ring? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not against the ring itself to make a poly-run a viable option, but as Scabies' championship gift is not the way to implement it.
Posted by chaostrom, May 4, 2017 at 9:46 am
Well, that's the thing. There isn't much point arguing about a championship gift that'd make the most of the prayer effects when most people don't even pray to Scabies because the prayer effects suck. I looked back through the thread to refresh my memory and though I made some general suggestions nobody added anything more to it. This poison spitting status would replace the poison splash, which is worse than a bottle of poison as it stands. At least the bottle can be carried around, applied to a weapon, thrown and broken at your leisure without a timer attached, and the broken bottle can be swapped out via Mellis. This status would basically extend the poison splashing without changing what it does too much. Why stop at poison though? Could be interesting to vomit mutant blood all over your enemies and randomly polymorph them too, or acid, or maybe even vomit healing fluids all over yourself. Not losing any nutrition points is a bit iffy, Scabies is a chaotic god. There's gotta be some drawback. Maybe half the nutrition?
Posted by chaostrom, May 4, 2017 at 6:57 am
What if... Scabies gave you a status effect, where you vomit poison onto enemies randomly as you attack them, without interfering with your attacks.
Posted by chaostrom, Apr 30, 2017 at 11:57 pm
fejoa wrote
That'd make for a dangerous boss monster. I'd definitely go after that axe down in the Catacombs!

I didn't mean for the boss, or any boss for that matter. Just saying we could do with some special axes, both semi and full artifact.
Posted by chaostrom, Apr 30, 2017 at 4:00 am
Sorry, but if all it has going for it is that it's valpurium, nobody's going to bother training in axes in hopes of using that. Having said that, you have a point when you say axes aren't too bad. Perhaps it's time to add some special axes? Like decapitator axes that perform worse than normal but have a high chance to behead enemies, or a Destroyer's War Axe artifact that has a chance to shoot a wand of striking beam or something like that.
Posted by chaostrom, Apr 23, 2017 at 11:56 pm
Should probably write the lines in such a way that lets the players know that the quests are exclusive, but yeah that's a great idea!
Posted by chaostrom, Apr 20, 2017 at 2:35 am
Maybe that'd be worth it in other games, but with IVAN's dismembering system that's just begging to be turned into a nugget.