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Posted by chaostrom, Dec 17, 2011 at 9:46 pm
A new player, GuntherHermann, reports SoCMs are broken. Re-downloading didn't fix the issue. Somebody test and verify whether the download is corrupted or not.
Posted by chaostrom, Dec 8, 2011 at 1:03 am
You can disable them already. There should be a little checkbox in advance mode.
Posted by chaostrom, Nov 19, 2011 at 1:44 am
That... Is actually a great idea. Nice one Zulox.
Posted by chaostrom, Nov 14, 2011 at 1:03 am
The items, perhaps, but not the AStr requirements, most of which are below what you start with
Posted by chaostrom, Nov 13, 2011 at 11:00 am
Yeah, this was all done in WM. I don't think you'd get all that in even a dozen games >_>
Posted by chaostrom, Nov 12, 2011 at 10:40 pm
From the sounds of it, yes. That said, some weapons have crazy strength requirements.

Finally found the enchantment increase increments while randomly browsing. It is not a flat +1 increase.
Posted by chaostrom, Nov 12, 2011 at 10:33 pm
This is a list of god effects I've compiled from code-diving. May not be 100% accurate as I an not a code-literate person.

Over 500 Favour - attach/harden limbs, timer 5000, favour 50, apply divine alignment bonuses, increase wisdom (200)
Over 250 Favour - 20% chance?, angel
Over 100 Favour - 20% chance?, gift, enchantment based on favour (1000=3) (over 500=2) (else 1)
Bad pray - timer 10,000, favour -50, decrease wisdom (-50)
Bad pray but tries to help - attach/harden limbs, timer 25,000, favour -75, decrease wisdom (-50)
Bad pray angry - timer 50,000, favour -100, decrease wisdom (-100)
Vomit on altar - "The vomit drops on the altar, but then suddenly gravity changes its direction. The vomit lands on your face/all over you", favour -200, "killed by a flying lump of vomit"
Vomit on Scabies altar - "Scabies feels that you are indeed her follower."
Kick altar - "You feel like a sinner", favour -135

Good - "Suddenly, the fabric of space experiences an unnaturally powerful quantum displacement! You teleport away!"
Bad - "Suddenly, the fabric of space experiences an unnaturally powerful quantum displacement!"
TeleportSomePartsAway(1 + (RAND() & 1))
"Your *limb* teleports away"
"Parts of you teleport away"
CheckDeath(CONST_S("shattered to pieces by the wrath of Sophos"

Good - "You hear booming voice: "THIS WILL PROTECT THEE FROM MORTIFER, MY PALADIN!" A shield glittering with holy might appears from nothing.", valpurium shield
"You hear booming voice: "DEFEAT MORTIFER WITH THIS, MY PALADIN!" A sword glittering with holy might appears from nothing.", valpurium two-handed sword
timer 100,000, favour -500, increase wisdom (400)
Bad - "Valpurus smites you with a small hammer."
ReceiveDamage(0, 10, PHYSICAL_DAMAGE, HEAD, RAND() & 7)
CheckDeath(CONST_S("faced the hammer of Justice from the hand of Valpurus"
"You feel you are not yet worthy enough for Valpurus.", timer 50,000, favour -100, decrease wisdom (-50)

Good - "A booming voice echoes: "Inlux! Inlux! Save us!" A huge firestorm engulfs everything around you."
Explosion(PLAYER, CONST_S("killed by the holy fire of Legifer"
Bad - "Legifer casts a beam of horrible, yet righteous, fire on you."
ReceiveDamage(0, 50 + RAND() % 50, FIRE, ALL)
CheckDeath(CONST_S("burned to death by the wrath of Legifer"

Good - "A beautiful melody echoes around you."
"*insert name* stops fighting/resists its charming call/seems not affected"
Bad - "Dulcis plays a horrible tune that rots your brain."
ReceiveDamage(0, 1 + RAND() % 9, SOUND, HEAD)

Good - "Seges cures your wounds.", "Seges removes the foul liquid in your veins.", "Seges cures your leprosy.", "Your stomach feels full again.", "You don't feel a bit tired anymore."
Bad - "You feel Seges altering the contents of your stomach in an eerie way."
CheckStarvationDeath(CONST_S("starved by Seges"
"Seges tries to alter the contents of your stomach, but fails."

Good - over 500 favour, "An arcanite plate mail materializes before you.", timer 45000, favour -300
Bad - "You have not been good the whole year."
"Your *insert name* disappears.", destroy item
"Atavus tries to remove your *insert name*, but fails. You feel you are not so gifted anymore.", decrease agility, arm strength, endurance

Good - "Your stomach feels full again."
"Suddenly a horrible earthquake shakes the level." - "The *insert name* is hit by a brick of earth falling from the roof!" - "killed by an earthquake"
"Suddenly a tame wolf materializes beside you." - "Suddenly some tame wolves materialize around you."
Bad - polymorph to large rat/mutant ass/jackal

Good - "Your *insert name* glows and sparkles like it was reforged by invisible hands.", harden item in hands
"Loricatus gives you a scroll of repair.", 10% chance?
"Loricatus fixes your *insert name*."
Bad - "Your *insert name* vibrates and softens"
"The *insert name* emits strange light but remain unchanged."

Good - "Cleptia gives you the talent for speed.", haste 2500
"Cleptia helps you to avoid your enemies by making you invisible.", invisibility 2500
"Cleptia helps you, but you really don't know how.", haste or invisibility 2500
Bad - "Cleptia slows you down.", slow 250

Good - "The air vibrates violently around you. A terrible undead voice echoes through the caverns: "SlAvE! ThOu HaSt PlAeSeD mE! lIfT tHy ReWaRd, ChAmPiOn!" A heavy weapon of pure corruption materializes before you."
timer 100,000, favour -500, increase wisdom (400)
Bad - "A dark, booming voice shakes the area: "PuNy MoRtAl! ThOu ArT nOt WoRtHy! I sHaLl dEsTrOy ThEe LiKe EvErYoNe ElSe!" A bolt of black energy hits you."
ReceiveDamage(0, 1 + RAND() % 20, ENERGY, ALL)
Decrease agility, arm strength, endurance
"obliterated by the unholy power of Mortifer"
"You feel you are not yet worthy enough for Mortifer.", timer 50,000, favour -100, decrease wisdom (-50)

Good - "Mellis manages to trade %s into %s."
"Mellis shares his knowledge of %s, the %s.", new god
Bad - "Mellis spreads bad rumours about you to other gods.", global favour -100

Good - "Infuscor helps you.", ESP/tele-control/poly-control 10,000
"Suddenly three scrolls appear almost under your feet.", scroll of teleport
Bad - "Vile and evil knowledge pulps into your brain. It's too much for it to handle; you faint.", unconscious 1000

Good - "Nefas confuses the *insert name* with her sweet lies.", confused 500
Bad - "A potion drops on your head and shatters into small bits."
ReceiveDamage(0, 2 + RAND() % 7, PHYSICAL_DAMAGE, HEAD)
CheckDeath(CONST_S("killed while enjoying the company of Nefas"

Good - "You feel a a horrible disease spreading.", gain immunity to leprosy
"Five cans full of school food drop from somewhere above!", 50% chance?
"Scabies throws poison on the *insert name*!"
random polymorph
Bad - "Scabies makes you eat a LOT of school food." - "You feel your muscles softening terribly...", decrease arm strength and dexterity
"Scabies unleashes all her fury upon you!", poisoned 600
"Scabies unleashes a horrible sickness upon you!", leprosy

Good - "The thundering voice of a godly battle drum shakes everything around you.", panic 500
"Your *insert name* glows briefly red. It feels very warm now.", 10% chance?
"The bottle full of troll blood drops from nowhere."
"Cruentus recommends you to his master, Mortifer.", increase Mortifer favour 100
Bad - "Cruentus destroys your weapon." - "Cruentus tries to destroy your *insert name*, but fails."
"Cruentus gets mad and hits you!"
ReceiveDamage(0, 1 + RAND() % 30, PHYSICAL_DAMAGE, ALL, RAND() & 7)
CheckDeath(CONST_S("destroyed by Cruentus"
Posted by chaostrom, Nov 6, 2011 at 3:45 am
Depends how much you're asking Squash. We might be able to scrape that together as a community.
Posted by chaostrom, Nov 5, 2011 at 10:59 pm
Is this what you're looking for?

Discussion about IVAN on 4.8. and 5.8.2010

Attending: Alveradok, Bored, Chaostrom, Ernomouse, JoKe, J_Kahvi and Z

*Player mood system;
Graphics are ready (Ernomouse has them)
various levels of panic
morale paniced <-> psycho
Berzerk mood
Animated face of the player
when high on mushroom, new face
One for every mood
Male and female chars are different


*Magic system
ISP/telekinesis kind, no fireballs and other cliches
F.ex. lift a sword and use it to attack
Shouldn't be based on Mana

travel through walls but no objects can be carried/worn
player leaves his body and inventory behind and turns into a ghost
should the body rot if you're away too long?
ghost items
amulet of astral projection
magical mushroom gas could result in Astral projection
something else than mana-point based system

if mana-stamina drops low, it'd cause bizarre things
the player will have to sleep
the player could gain things from dreams
affect food burning rate; Affect stats; Affect item spawning rate
finding spells only from the dreams
12 or so dream world
eaten items could enhance spells (Nethack?)

*Dig up or down
Escaping up/downwards

*A new quest
Retrieve a hammer from the catacombs
Smith gives you a key to petruses wives
Sex with one of them -> pregnancy (3 days?)
What if you're female?
Sacrifice the child and become Valpuri's champ
If groin gets scarred a lot, you might get infertile
Probably Petruses children could be sacrificed instead, as a harder guest
Magical way of restoring fertility

*Player classes
Might not be needed

*More comments to the code are needed
Someone should write a guide to code files

*There is a power chart for balancing weapons
Accuracy, power, sturdiness
Frequency of appearance is used to balance the power
Add features -> play testing

*Steppingstone material between meteorite steel adamantine
The int requirement takes a huge leap

*Every weapon class should have an artifact
More special items would be nice too (f.ex. flaming sword)
Trophy items and NPC's for people who contribute a lot to IVAN
there are plenty of examples already

*Another route to Attnam might be nice [SCRAPPED IDEA]
Not sure if it's necessary, as there already are alternate ways

*Different types of damage
Slash, point, blunt, burn
Variance between different weapons
Works diffeerently on f.ex. armour
Ranged weapons would get more reasonable to have
sling for blunt
bow for point

*Should full helmets dampen sound
The less dense a material is, the better sound barrier it is

*Items and limbs made of f.ex. gas
A weapon: "Fan"
Steam powered Vacuum cleaner
effective against ghosts, insects, thrown items

*Monsters could be put into items
Iron maiden
Cage traps
The problem is to make the charachter disappear
Could be handled as f.ex. traps?

*A cloud of insects (fireflies, locusts?)
The catacombs could have lots of insects

*You could have a conversation with the gods
Ighalli's god system
effects should be balanced somehow, so that better effects need better relations
bad effects
god requesting an offer for some favours
lifestyle choises could effect god relations
blood contains a lot of iron f.ex.

*Ghosts apperance could vary
Appearance saved when dying
Blue and small transparence
Ghosts that disenchant items
Ghost that eats anything in the way
Make them irritating
Invisible chars leave invis. ghosts

*Chaostroms Zombie torso riddance idea
Limit the torso animation rate to third or quarter of what it is now
When the groin is severed, the torso cannot turn into a zombie any more

*Convert all graphics to 32x32 (J_Kahvi could probably do it)
Opens possibilities to f.ex. turning into a big monster??
Would double the objects available
midget objects
wand of object enlargement
Midget tunnels and dungeons
Create new midget monsters from the existing 16x16 graphics
midgets handle as groups, so you'd attack all the midgets in one square
they still could move freely about

*Individual throwing accuracy for all items

*Monster ideas:
Wand using monster
Poltergeist monster
Insect cloud monstertype that you cannot attack by normal melee attack

*Moods on the dungeon ("quite like underground weather")
magical weather, tiring weather, hungering weather

*Different dungeon types
Tower dungeon
very open levels
going against the wind would be taxing or slowing
illusions of f.ex. floor tiles
you should be able to escape the tower by jumping outside
if the player walks on a floor made of air then he will fall down a level, until he hits something solid
Damage based on falling distance
can't progress backwards
wind blow would affect large and unencumbered creatures more
if you jump or fly, you'd automatically get blown a certain amount with the wind
this way small creatures could find secret dungeons
tower made of balsa
if the player weighs too much, the floor breaks
For a cloack you could wear a Dwarven parachute, which radically decreases falling damage
Small alien side dungeon
Based on the frenchmen's alien mod
Astral projection dungeon
only accessible as a ghost
astral projections could carry only one item
only one revard could be brought outside, in case the side quest would be accessible only once
wizard hiding from something in an astral plane
his body is f.ex. suspended into a nearby statue
constantly exploding level as the entrance
explosions triggering every moment
ghosts could be immune to explosions
ghosts could move between levels without stairs
see digging up and down
Midget dungeon

*Too much mining would collapse the level above (Dwarf Fortress style)
generate not only the level you enter, but the ones next to it

*The catacombs should have a different algorithm than the GC and UT

Shops shouldn't have locked doors without warning
when the shop is put into a room, change the locked doors next to it into unlocked ones

*Every new version needs more than the faces and the god system
A couple of tricky features, and a few easier ones

*Spreading fire which generates smoke
Smoke clouds should have a intensity modifier
In towers and towns wind should blow away the smoke and spread the fire
Insects could act as clouds that move randomly
Beehive that grows... Ogod!
bug room
makes a nice practice thing

*Side dungeons that go sideways

*Joke ideas:
Monty Python:
dead parrot
holy hand grenade
the killer rabbit
a little chance of a killer rabit spawning from adult mutant rabbits mating
witches that weigh the same as a duck
duck flesh and witch flesh

*Item ideas:
Fan (blows away insects and ghosts)
Steampowered vacuum cleaner (sucks in insects and ghosts)
Instead of steam powered, it could be basically just a captured Eddie; when it breaks, the Eddy comes out...
Wand of unlocking / locking (closes unlocked and unlocks the closed doors)
neither of these ideas were generally liked
Dwarven parachute
Rubber boots that boost electricy resistance
HUGE morningstar type weapon
weapons destroying walls? You can kick them...
Weapon tweaks
The stethoscope is a bit strong as a weapon
Gauntlets don't use unarmed skill (if they're wielded as weapons, maybe they shouldn't either)
Wielded gloves should affect unarmed skill and worn gauntlets should do extra damage

*Next version shouldn't be too hard:
No new dungeon
BUGFIX: the shop door creation bug and dissolving body parts (TTY only?)
BUGFIX: Mustard gas hostility bug
Insect clouds
Mood system
Having the bones ghosts look like the original characters
= IVAN 0.51
Posted by chaostrom, Nov 4, 2011 at 3:47 am
Brilliant idea SquashMonster. The main reason that probably hasn't been thought of before is that we get few real coders and dungeon locking can't be done with copy-pasting bits of script.

That said! Warheck, are you saying that for the sake of saying that or are you really prepared to work on IVAN. We're not looking at a lot of progress, quick-like, but long-term commitment. It's been said before, and I'll say it again.

We only really need one dedicated coder.

If you're willing to be our man, we could feasibly get development going. If we can get the ball rolling, who knows, others like Z and herself might be willing to help out too.