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Posted by capristo, Mar 1, 2010 at 4:43 pm
Mindmaker wrote
It is?
My character had to succumb to Danny in the end.
His first blow broke my mithril broad sword called Defender +7 and his secound critically hit my torso.

In regular IVAN, the first blow would have finished you off
Posted by capristo, Feb 27, 2010 at 8:13 pm
Mindmaker, did you teleport close to the enner, or just walk up to him?

I've meleed the enner a couple of times, but usually only if I appear on the level and he's already right nearby.
Posted by capristo, Feb 26, 2010 at 12:10 am
If I were you I would use the gauntlets of dexterity and boots of agility. Dex and Agi seem to me to be much harder to train than strength.

Forget the mace and the axe, you definitely don't want to be switching to an untrained weapon this late in the game. You could probably sell them for a lot if you haven't already drained the stores' money supplies.

The Golden Jaguar's poly and telecontrol and haste seem handy but I think in the long run the higher AV will be more useful... so I would wear the octiron.

I usually only keep a few wands of teleportation and maybe 1 or 2 offensive wands such as striking or fireballs. The rest of the wands I dump into a large chest on another level and keep them there. Out of the ones I am carrying, I keep all of them in a small chest except 1 wand of teleportation. That way you can teleport yourself or an enemy in case of dire need - you don't have to waste a turn removing it from the chest, during which a very powerful enemy could already kill you. The rest you should keep in the chest though, to make sure they don't explode
Posted by capristo, Feb 18, 2010 at 7:03 pm
You can't post in the shout history, that's a search box

But the shoutbox not loading is ONLY due to either the server being slow, or your connection being slow. There's nothing I can do about either one of those things.

I'll add a box so that you can post in the history as well though, since the shoutbox doesn't load for me sometimes either. I don't know why your message would confuse MySQL though, I'll look into that.
Posted by capristo, Feb 18, 2010 at 7:01 pm
Don't drink from fountains in Gloomy Caves
I think drinking them in the underwater tunnel is fine
Posted by capristo, Feb 17, 2010 at 6:38 pm

You're thinking way too hard about the danger level. You should absolutely enchant your gear and weapons, and wear them at all times. In fact I bet the reason you're getting blown to pieces by mines is that your equipment isn't strong enough. A normal mine shouldn't kill you if you have decent gear and decent stats (strength, endurance, etc). Ideally you should have a cloak of fire protection enchanted +5, that should save you from nearly any blast.

Is it worth getting proficient in a wider range of weapons or should I stick with one?
Stick with one type. Spears and halberds are both "polearms" so training with one will make you proficient in the other as well. I think that's the only non-obvious grouping though.
What about statboosting consumables.
Most of them I use immediately, but it might be more worth it to stash them away until you have a wand of cloning and can duplicate them.

You can beat the game however you like... theoretically you could beat it wielding nothing but a pair of broken glass shards...
Posted by capristo, Feb 10, 2010 at 12:37 am
haha, oops. if you throw a bone at your puppy?
Posted by capristo, Feb 10, 2010 at 12:00 am
Wait, so if you throw a dog at your puppy, his stats will be boosted?
Posted by capristo, Feb 8, 2010 at 4:33 pm
Alveradok wrote
15 in attractivity makes You able to talk to Decos! That's as much as 2 Int and a Wis!
Good point. I was thinking of deals in the shops, but I forgot about the requirement for Decos.
Posted by capristo, Feb 8, 2010 at 5:28 am
attractivity is useless What's Aegis?