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Posted by Ischaldirh, Sep 30, 2016 at 9:23 am
If you have a pet who doesnt eat and contracts leprosy

What pets can catch leprosy that don't eat?
Posted by Ischaldirh, Sep 29, 2016 at 10:30 pm
Serin-Delaunay wrote
Then again, if leprosy was intended to be undetected until limbs started dropping off, probably it shouldn't have a special message when the player contracts it, because that just encourages the player to read through the entire message log whenever they come into contact with a zombie. Which when punching it to death in UT1 can be a long read.

And tedious. IMO, it's poor game design when playing optimally (in this case, reading every message whenever you run into a zombie in case you catch leprosy) is unreasonably boring.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Sep 29, 2016 at 9:17 pm
RFE = Request For Enhancement.

From the shoutbox:
5:12 pm Ischaldirh By the way, can i propose a new item which plants would have a chance of dropping? Seeds that you apply on a neighboring tile to spawn a plant
6:40 pm Serin-Delaunay Isn't that what UT2 is for?
9:20 pm 4zb4 Wouldn't quite fit with the lore. The carnivorous plants are magically mutated kiwifruit plants. It'd make more sense for a given fruit such as a kiwi or banana to have a small chance to turn into a carnivorous plant when a magic beam passes by it.
9:21 pm 4zb4 Or when struck by it. Perhaps a unique effect for the wand of polymorph?
September 28
7:27 am capristo How about if a kiwi rots on the ground it turns into a plant? Or a kiwi zapped with a wand of resurrection
8:44 am Ischaldirh I like cap's ideas. All the kiwis we find (well, almost all of them anyways) are dropped by said mutant kiwi plants anyways...
2:31 pm Ischaldirh Could we / do we have an RFE thread?
2:33 pm Ischaldirh because something that has always bothered me, is how sneaky the game is with leprosy.
2:33 pm Ischaldirh you get that little message in the messages box, but it's damn easy to miss
2:34 pm Ischaldirh I would recommend either an alert that requires a particular keypress, or else an entry in the status bar
2:45 pm Serin-Delaunay Most of the negative status effects (teleporting, polymorphing, parasite, not poisoned or slowed) only show up with a stethoscope; presumably that was a deliberate design decision. Still, I agree with you it was a bad decision!
3:30 pm 4zb4 I disagree, I think leprosy's fine as it's best tell is when a limb drops off - which should cause a pause with an alert message.
3:31 pm 4zb4 If we alert the player when they're infected then the chances of it taking effect at all reduces dramatically as everyone will just leg it to the nearest priest or chug an antidote.

So from this there are two items:

1) A way for a player to spawn carnivorous plants. Ideas include seed items dropped from the plants themselves, or something to do with the kiwis (rotting, zapping with wands of necromancy)

2) A change to how leprosy is handled, to make it more noticeable when you contract it.

On 2 there is some discussion. One argument against is that if it was given an alert, it would have a much lower likelyhood of actually having an effect; players would immediately drink antidotes or run for the nearest priest. An argument for it is simply the frustration that occurs when, mid-combat, your limb abruptly snaps off, utterly crippling you in a dangerous situation - often when you were carrying a means of dealing with the condition.

How about a compromise - the "You feel you are falling to pieces." message you get when you are infected recurs every few hundred turns as long as you are infected. Gives you a greater chance of catching it before it dooms you, without being as obvious as a "You sense danger!" message.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Sep 28, 2016 at 9:40 am
Keep Kenny with you through the entire game (and, preferably, alive). Don't leave him behind when you leave levels. If he dies, carry his corpse until you can resurrect him.

Bonus points if Kenny can kill Elpuri/Oree/Petrus/etc.

Named after Kenny's superhero alter ego in South Park.

Honestly, thinking about this, this seems like an exercise in tedium, since pets tend to run off occasionally...
Posted by Ischaldirh, Sep 27, 2016 at 8:56 am
I like the adjusted lantern brightness, it looks good. Just food for thought though, here are two other potential solutions.

1) Give lanterns had a lifespan. Perhaps not the ones still attached to walls, that might be a little too sadistic, even by IVAN standards. But giving lanterns a lifespan could make for some fun hallway encounters, as well as make the player more reliant on other, more permanent light sources (like wall lanterns, or glowing blood, etc)

2) Don't let the player carry lanterns at all. Now this is problematic due to the need to navigate a dark dungeon - but building off of JoKe's comment, that problem could be resolved if the dungeon levels had an ambient light value which decreased as you went deeper. UT would probably work differently since it's a tunnel, and UT3 is actually closer to the surface than UT2. This would also make finding an adequate light source a more long-term problem.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Sep 27, 2016 at 12:20 am
Is there any way to set it up so that the mirrored items and the real items have the same price (in Mondedr)?
Posted by Ischaldirh, Sep 25, 2016 at 8:56 pm
4zb4 wrote
gradually ramp up based on danger level.

And the number of fights, I assume?
Posted by Ischaldirh, Sep 25, 2016 at 11:55 am
On the dragon: many dragons in fiction have magic. Maybe this one is a necromancer?
Posted by Ischaldirh, Sep 22, 2016 at 9:01 am
Well that's a pretty arcane formula for handling resistances. Thanks Azba.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Sep 21, 2016 at 6:26 pm
Has anyone done any research into how resistances function? There's a page on the wiki, but it's not very definitive.