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Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 29, 2008 at 4:06 am
Also, the numbers don't *quite* seem right. To be precise the chance equations; they looked like, for example,
if(!(Rand() % 5))
which I interpreted as (essentially) a 1 in 5, or 20%, chance of the effect occurring. However when I was testing that, Vermis only seemed to trigger it's teleport effect once every 10 to 13 hits. (Nothing triggers on a missed attack.)

Also, something I should probably mention with the two whips: I'm not certain but I think they autofail unless they are wielded by the PC, since NPC's don't have a favor value.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 29, 2008 at 2:11 am
You spelled it wrong.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 28, 2008 at 10:43 pm
I just sourcedove to find the answer to Capristo's question regarding Neerc se'Ulb, and came up with some other answers to questions that weren't asked (namely regarding special weapon effect triggering) while I was at it. While I havn't quite decoded the equations, I have learned some things. Be aware that some of this information might be inaccurate simply do to me improperly deciphering the code.

WARNING: Extreme spoilers ahead!

Flaming Sword: 50% chance for +3-6 fire damage.
Mjolak: 33.3% chance for +5-10 energy damage.
Vermis: 20% chance to teleport enemy randomly.
Turox: 20% chance to trigger explosion, strength 10-109. I may dig later into how explosions work.
Neerc se'Ulb: 20% chance for 10-20 point drain. (Wow, bigger than I thought!)
Thunder Hammer: 20% chance to generate lightning. (Plus, it's normal attacks seem to deal lightning damage!)
Staff of Wondrous Smells: 20% chance of creating clouds; 33.3% chance that it will create "evil" clouds over the enemey, and 66.6% chance it will create "good" clouds over you.
Whip of Thievery: Dependent on Cleptia favor, and weapon elasticity.
Chameleon Whip: Dependent on Scabies favor. I'm not entirely certain how it determines the polymorph; some further digging into the polymorph code could turn up further answers, but I don't want to do that right now. Maybe later.

Cleptia's Favor: If the enemy (Enemy in this context is the victim; the PC can be the "enemy") is Petrus, or is wielding a weapon who's material's flexibility is greater than 5; or if your favor with Cleptia is less than 0, the ability autofails. Otherwise, it creates a random number between 1 and (10 - (your Cleptia favor / 200) ), inclusive, and subtracts 1 (Well, not quite, but close enough). If that number is 0, the ability triggers. Thus at perfect favor the ability has a 20% chance of activating.

Scabies' Favor: Scabies' favor works similarly to Cleptias; autofails if the enemy is non-polymorphable or if your favor is less than 0. The formula for determining success is almost identical; however, your favor is divided by 150, rather than 200. This makes it slightly more likely to go off.

I hope someone learned something from this.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 28, 2008 at 3:07 pm
ohhh It is. When you swing two of them you get more hits in per period of time, meaning more chances for the drain effect to go off. Yeah it doesn't go off THAT often, but the fact that THEY lose life and YOU gain life can make a really big difference. Plus, Neerc se'Ulb has a higher damage with it's normal attack, AND it comes +6.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 26, 2008 at 5:33 am
Apple wrote
Yeah, but you might not want to use two same artifacts, since their powers don't stack.

Only the ones that add an intrinsic ability -- Saal'Thul and Vermis, I believe, are the only ones that do in 050. If you can manage to get two Neerc se'Ulb, and ~35 AStr, I highly recommend using two of them. Twice the life drain = twice the fun. Two Turox, of course, means twice the chance of blowing your own face off, but can be fun nonetheless. I have a feeling I'm forgetting something, but it's probably something in LIVAN, which I'm not going to touch because I don't know what everything does in LIVAN.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 24, 2008 at 4:09 am
They don't bother me. If you use the real post method instead of the quick-reply (which I'm guessing is all anybody uses) there's actually an option to make graphical smilies not display in your post. There might also be an option to turn them off for the whole board. So in otherwords, *shrug*
Posted by Ischaldirh, Nov 23, 2008 at 5:30 am
Close but not quite: you are thinking of chitin. On the other hand, citrine is in fact a quartz variety.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 28, 2008 at 4:54 pm
As a side note, does anyone know where I can get the CVS source code easily?
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 26, 2008 at 3:56 pm
So I realized I had this thread. So I'm copying everything over here from the other one I made in my ignorance. Here's the non-code content of the other thread:

Putting this here so that I can get feedback and such, and also so I don't lose the code.

So I've been getting more interested in IVAN scripting/coding again lately. In prelude to potentially beginning something more extensive, I've started scripting a few item ideas that I've had floating around in the back of my head. The balance on them might be off as I did only minimal, paper-testing of the items (I spawned them and checked the stats mostly).

Please don't post ideas for more things to script/code, I have plenty of ideas myself. What I would like is feedback on the items I have finished.

First up, bracers. Intended to be comparable to chain mail for the arms, basically a mid-way point between soft and hard material gloves. They have half the weight of normal gauntlets, as well has half the dexterity penalty, but retain a little more than 2/3 of the AV. Since there's no bracer graphic that I know of (and even if there was, I haven't experimented with changing item graphics yet) they still look like normal gauntlets, which can be a little confusing.

Don't forget to properly declare anything you add.
Posted by Ischaldirh, Oct 19, 2008 at 4:45 am
I seem to recall reading somewhere that to-hit and strength really only scale up to 20, so a +16 dagger wouldn't be any more accurate than a +16 battle axe, unless the axe had a base hit rating of <4.