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Posted by Batman?, Dec 15, 2016 at 10:57 am
8:26 pm Ismaar for some reason they train dex waaaaaay faster than whips do
8:25 pm Ismaar turns out belts make great weapons

Is this true or just an observational mistake?
Posted by Batman?, Dec 12, 2016 at 8:08 am
chaostrom wrote
So why not have a bigger, nastier hedgehog monster with the Super Spiny status that will return a portion of the damage done to it.

Like a mutant porcupine?
Posted by Batman?, Dec 9, 2016 at 11:03 am
its always cool to have new and different items in the game, but what would the value of them be? at that weight they are borderline useless,and it only provides a base armor of 9. Am I missing something?
Posted by Batman?, Nov 30, 2016 at 2:02 pm
does endurance affect HP regeneration? I feel like when I buff my characters in wizmode they restore HP's faster. Wasnt that the reason Lob Seh wasnt implemented yet because she regened HP;s faster than you can take them off.
Posted by Batman?, Nov 29, 2016 at 6:38 pm
4zb4 wrote
Changing the chest's material only increases the strength of the lock, making it harder to break..

I think it changes the chests weight as well correct? Not sure if weight management of chests is a good use of a SOCM though
Posted by Batman?, Nov 28, 2016 at 9:00 am
why would you want to mine ut4?
Posted by Batman?, Nov 27, 2016 at 8:01 pm
I always check the bones folder after I die to see if the deceased left a bones for me to find. I was looking in the folder today and noticed i have a bones file from 2008, I would like to see who can find the oldest bones file on their computer.

Posted by Batman?, Nov 27, 2016 at 7:53 am
I just came across a bones file of a guy I killed by playing around with chameleon whips. Rather than learn from my mistakes I thought "hey why dont I try this chameleon whip again" .....dead in like 20 turns.

Posted by Batman?, Nov 26, 2016 at 12:01 pm
fejoa wrote
Or some of the monster's bodyparts could be exchanged for yours and vice versa?

I like this idea. all of a sudden you have kobold arms.....or purple light crystal arms! could be abused. should have a small chance of something terrible happening to offset abuse.

I would like to see wands of door creation knock monsters back a square if zapped at them, like being kicked. would add a good use for them, and make them kind of a safety throw. if you are cornered and need a minute to try and regroup and see if you can get out of the situation alive . They aren't currently very useful (except in one or two rare circumstances), so it would make an otherwise rare kind of useless item into something desirable. Maybe offset the new feature by making the doors spawn occaisanally with high metals (octiron, etc) with hard to find keylocks (octagonal,hexagonal) so that while saving yourself you create a potentially annoying roadblock (stuck in a hallway with no teleport or digging, and your path out blocked by a locked adamantine door!)
Posted by Batman?, Nov 16, 2016 at 1:17 pm
kill it quickly.