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Posted by Batman?, Oct 17, 2013 at 12:19 pm
also, without sounding like a jerk, I think any new content should be carefully reviewed - I think we(1) want to keep this as close to the original theme of the game as possible. If we(1) introduce a ton of new worlds and monsters and misisons, it could make it seem like more of a variant than a progression of the main stream game.

(1) like the way I insuated myself into the process without actually offering to help in a meaningful way?
Posted by Batman?, Oct 17, 2013 at 12:10 pm
i like to play IVAN and sell insurance. I have zero graphics or programming skills. playtester maybe?
Posted by Batman?, Oct 11, 2013 at 7:36 am
can I help?
Posted by Batman?, Sep 7, 2013 at 6:45 pm
Stihdjia wrote
or if you were holding Saal'thul he just ignored you when you tried to challenge him?

this may be it - will check in a minute.
Posted by Batman?, Sep 7, 2013 at 1:12 pm
Stihdjia wrote
I But can't you still get the belt by killing off Decos and his goons? After the uprising you can normally still wrestle Huang, and he gives the belt instead of Decos. If banana growers and Huang are not hostile, you're fine as long as you're strong enough to kill all the foreigners (everyone with white skin.)

Nope once you make decos hostile the wrestler wont fight you. just checked it.

Posted by Batman?, Sep 6, 2013 at 8:41 am
I forgot I was wielding Saal'Thuul when i went to buy banannas in New Attnam. now the spoily pants holder upper is lost.

I've cleared all of UT 1-4 and GC 1-4. No gloves of dex , no special helmets, no wand of cloning. shop in Attnam had a wand of mirroring (1 shot, natch). and I found a wand of poly.

Im trying to decide what to do. I have 2 ?ofCharging and a wand of poly. do i use 1 of the ? and keep polypiling for better items? I havent checked out the minefield yet. I have a ring of poly and poly control. perhaps I should poly into something flying and see if there is anything decent in there?

If i get killed while poly'd do i die or just revert back to my original form?
Posted by Batman?, Sep 5, 2013 at 11:45 am
Moria is bad for that. I dont think the certain amphibian is on the level, my Danger level is to low for it to spawn. plus i am not getting any of the other effects and I have been on the level for a while.
Posted by Batman?, Sep 5, 2013 at 6:37 am
or are my weapons randomly losing enchantment? I am pretty sure a certain spoily amphibian monster can do this, but there isn't one on the level.

It could all be in my head though, because I only play once a week or so, so maybe I am just forgetting, but I ould have sworn my saal thuul was +2 and now is +0

can anything else disenchant weapons? dark frog blood, floating eye stares, etc.
Posted by Batman?, Aug 16, 2013 at 5:39 am
do golems heal?
Posted by Batman?, Aug 15, 2013 at 12:23 pm
chaostrom wrote
IThat said, it really isn't worth pissing off Loricatus unless you're starving or you're going for lawful/chaos.

I almost always go for Lawful to get the armor and then switch to chaos. I've never been able to get a feel for playing with the Neutral gods. somebody should write a FAQ for playing neutral.