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Posted by Batman?, Nov 11, 2013 at 8:44 pm
4zb4 wrote
Probably mirrored items, I believe there's a specific entry for chests containing huge mirrored loot.
That is to say, they'll disappear but you can make use of them while you can. Maybe some of the items aren't actually mirrored and others are? Only time will tell.

Can I Sell mirrored items? would be a good test.
Posted by Batman?, Nov 11, 2013 at 8:05 pm
Sorry to spam the forum with questions, but I just found a large chest on GC1 that contained:
An Arcanite Helmet
2(!) Amulets of Life saving
A Mithril two handed sword
A Magic Whistle
A Whip of thievery

is this a trick? It was a regular wooden chest with a triangular lock, so I don think it would have come from a hidden room.
Posted by Batman?, Nov 11, 2013 at 7:30 pm
I seem to have randomly found a human testicle on the floor of UT3. In all my years playing I don't think I have ever seen one outside of wizmode.

Unrelated: Do Belts of levitation ever generate randomly? I have never seen one outside of the sumo challenge.
Posted by Batman?, Nov 11, 2013 at 1:53 pm
killed by enner. acted before thinking. so annoying. at least it left a bones.
Posted by Batman?, Nov 7, 2013 at 1:24 pm
is there any quantification on how much each scroll trains Int?
Posted by Batman?, Nov 7, 2013 at 1:18 pm
my wand of cloning was 3 shots and I have 3 scrolls of charging (2 left). I have a giant pile of ?ofCM and some nicely enchanted stuff. I have a thunder hammer in the shop in attnam. Now Im starting to think I should switch the mithril mace out for the thunder hammer...

Posted by Batman?, Nov 6, 2013 at 4:17 pm
capristo wrote
Lightning hammers have never worked out well for me Not saying they can't, just not for me

Me neither. They spike the danger level something fierce. and they just start throwing lightning back in your face. Same with turox. the special effect is more problem than its worth. although dual wielding turoxes is a (mega) ton of fun.

I think it would be more interesting to use thunder hammers if lightning bounced in random directions when it hit a surface rather than right back at you.
Posted by Batman?, Nov 6, 2013 at 11:28 am
I am planning on going full C- .

you say the mace skill is more relevant, is that because of the SPOILY gift from a certain deity, or do maces have some other property I should know about?
Posted by Batman?, Nov 6, 2013 at 11:15 am
JoKe wrote
Rather spoilery info for general discussion:

As for the flaming sword, absolutely switch to that if you can both harden and enchant it.

True about the question being spoily. apologies. I don't know how many charges the wand has because I haven't tried it.

which weapon would you switch the flaming sword for?
Posted by Batman?, Nov 6, 2013 at 9:25 am
Just found a ?oWish in ut4 after crushing guggy. I am asking on advice for what to wish for.

No Screenshot but a good overview of my dude:
Phys stats are all in the mid teens
mental stats are all in the mid 20's

Helm o Brilliance +3 (from a genie wish)
AoESP (have AOLS in the stash)
Octiron Chainmail +0
Ommel Hair Cloak +2
Ommel Hair Guants of Dex+2
Belt of Lev
Leather boots of Agi +1 (just found can enchant and harden)
Meteoric Steel short sword +5 Skill 11/14
Mithril Mace +5 Skill 11/14

Wand of cloning
3 scrolls of charging
at least one of every other scroll

My question is what to wish for? I cant wish for ommels obviously. I haven't done enner yet. Wand of Mirroring? armor? holy banana? (can these be cloned?)

second question
I have either a mithril short sword from guggy, or a flaming sword I am thinking about switching to and enchanting (which should I chose and which weapons should I replace?)