I just had a natural limb character make it to GC12 for the first time.
Instead of following the advice in oh so many tips of just detecting the portal and running to Oree. I tried to take on the mage room.
Everything except the elder dark mages was cake. The EDMs I could not touch. With an agility of 17, they always always always teleported away before I could perform any action whenever I teleported next to one.
I couldn't even teleport a few spaces away and use wands, they blew up every wand I tried as soon as I drew it.
So, here's my question for those of you who like to use wizard mode to figure things out...What is the minimum agility needed to teleport next to an Eldar Dark Mage and perform 1 action before he teleports away?
Of is it hard coded that they always teleport if someone teleports next to them...in which case how the heck do you kill the bastards?