Veteran Kamikazee Dwarves

Apr 18, 2008, 8:23 am
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are quite dangerous, who knew?

I just had one kill my guy on GC6 (luckily I was wearing an AOLS and was life saved for the second time this game).

My question is what to do about GC6. Every time I go down I get swarmed by monsters. Im not that worried about most of them, but the VKD's worry me now, are there ikely to be a lot of them down there? I am soliciting a good strategy for handling it. My kit is roughly as follows

Helmet of understanding +5
Mithril chainmail +5
PhonexiF belt of carrying +5
2 PF Guantlets of St +5
2 Boots of STR =4
2 +6 turoxen

Astr 33
Lstr 31
Agi 16
Dex 15
End 14
Int 15
Wis 20
Per ?
Cha ?

loads of wands and rings

Mellis sends me angels when i pray
loricratus loves me
atavus is pleased

any advice is warmly welcomed!
Apr 18, 2008, 9:13 am
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That's all you need to know
Ring would be best, or just continually zap yourself with wands. Cloak is not a good idea, since fire/elec resistance is more important.
Apr 18, 2008, 9:23 am
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does my light source make me more detectable? I am carrying to crystal stones (awesome light sources btw)
Apr 18, 2008, 9:49 am
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No, it doesn't. They are awesome though. It's good that you're carrying a few, not just one. One of the worst things that can happen is for the mystic light frog to teleport your light source away.
Apr 18, 2008, 9:56 am
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As I wrote that last reply i remembered i never cleared out UT4, is my guy strong enough that should I go back there and clean it out before I try GC6? or is it still too much for me. I just stuck my head in there for a second to grab a crystal for enner last time.
Apr 18, 2008, 11:29 am
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Looking at your stats, seems ready to me.
Apr 18, 2008, 11:56 am
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If you are looking for an easy way to kill Petrus just kill a couple of VKDs and get their big backpacks. Two are enough to kill him if used properly. You can place an active mine as petrus is coming towards you and drop to big backpacks on top of it or you can jsut drop the big back packs and remotely detonate them with a wand of fireballs or striking or holy banana. I't been a long time since I've done this, but i sem to recall that sometimes this kills him completely and sometimes you have to do this twice. I'm pretty sure it depends on whether or not his head is severed off in the explosion, disabling his AoLS.

Now how to kill VKDs. My normal method is to throw stuff at them while invisible, Mistresses super enchanted whips are good for this. Something I rarely do is zap them with wands of electricity - zaps won't set off the gunpowder. I like to use mithril or better traps too: set a pile of traps, take your ring off and lure the VKDs over them. It funny. If you take off their limbs or your agi is high enough (Agi 30, hasted, and running) you can wait (hit "s") for them to come towards you (while visible) hit them, move one square back and repeat. Another funny thing to do is pray to Scabies, GC6 is one of the best levels for this (there is a better level just before Oree's Lair). Then just run around invisible killing necromancers mistresses, orcs, dark knights - training stats and watch everyone's limbs drop like leaves in autumn.

If you have cleaned out all the stores then you can give yourself perma-invisibility my zapping yourself with the numerous wands of invisibility. I started saving up my haste wands for this too. Perma-invis perma-haste, perma-telecontrol (get hungry and eat 10-15 blinkdogs) kicks ass!
Apr 18, 2008, 12:31 pm
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if you give yourself perma-states from zapping does it turn blue instead of white? Im just wondering how to be sure.
Apr 18, 2008, 12:35 pm
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I don't think it does. It stays white, but it is permanent. At least in my experience with the blink dogs. I have to try out perma-haste & perma-invisibility though! Frees up another ring
Apr 19, 2008, 2:01 am
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If you zap yourself enough for the state to stay permanent, the stat will stay white *until* the time counter ticks down to the time setting that is hard-coded as 'permanent', then it will change to blue. Note that my tests on the feasibility of using wands in a regular game to achieve permastates in wizmode have led me to reasonably believe that you'll need a *lot* of charges to actually pull this off (with just wands).
Apr 19, 2008, 1:56 pm
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The last time i perma hasted myself i had haste from cleptia and then unloaded 4-5 wands on me. seemed to work fine. cleptia's hast usually lasts more than a full prayer cycle. The second time I pray she gives me invisibility.
Apr 20, 2008, 12:53 am
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Mm, yes, that would be more feasible than wands alone. Also fountain/mushroom haste would probably contribute enough time to the counter to make permahaste more accessible.
Apr 20, 2008, 4:19 pm
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Damn. I just used six wands of haste with 6 charges each (from mirroring) and still did not get permahaste
Apr 20, 2008, 10:54 pm
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Yeah. My experiments indicated you'd need more like 100 wand charges to get permahaste from wands alone.
Apr 21, 2008, 12:46 am
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Well I'm playing another game and I seem to have acquired permahaste again, without trying. I forgot that i drink from fountains quite a bit, plus i eat any magic mushrooms I find. I probably had 20-30 fountain drinks and ate less than 10 magic mushrooms, and I prayed to Cleptia a few times. Didn;t zap myself with a wand once.
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