Neonivek wrote
Maybe you should scale back some of these things to save time, such as 8 types of material seeing as a big chunk don't actually do anything other then cosmetic changes.
Nope. 8x8 = 64 = enough.
8 types of flesh, 8 types of liquid, 8 types of metal, 8 types of silicate, 8 types of wood, 8 types of gas, 8 types of food, 8 types of rock. No problem.
Neonivek wrote
as for books, are you saying that equipment inside your inventory now face the horror of liquids? so drowning puppies could ruin my Book of Torrental Winds?
Yes. Blood may make a few books stronger, as could tears.
Neonivek wrote
It is rather late so Ill keep the rest of my comments/suggestions/criticisms to myself
Feel free to ask as many as you want. I'm getting ideas.