These are the things I created a while back. I don't mess with this stuff anymore, but maybe, just maybe, someone wants this stuff for their game.
Turnok the possessed Car:
DefaultArmStrength = 350;
DefaultAgility = 350;
DefaultEndurance = 350;
DefaultPerception = 350;
DefaultIntelligence = 350;
DefaultWisdom = 350;
DefaultCharisma = 350;
DefaultMana = 350;
BloodMaterial = SICK_BLOOD;
CanOpen = false;
HostileReplies == "@Dd honks.";
FriendlyReplies == "@Dd beeps.";
TotalSize = 10;
SkinColor = rgb16(64, 64, 100);
BeltColor = rgb16(50, 150, 50); /* the mouth */
TorsoMainColor = rgb16(30, 30, 30);
NameSingular = "Posessed Car";
AttackStyle = USE_HEAD;
CanBeGenerated = true;
FleshMaterial = STEEL;
AttachedGod = MORTIFER;
BiteCapturesBodyPart = true;
AutomaticallySeen = false;
IsImmuneToStickiness = true;
DefaultName = "Turnok";
TorsoBitmapPos = 224, 64;
TotalVolume = 500000;
TamingDifficulty = 0;
IsNameable = false;
IsUnique = true;
TotalSize = 200;
IsPolymorphable = true;
CanBeGenerated = false;
PanicLevel = 0;
CanBeCloned = false;
DeathMessage = "@Dd groans horribly and falls apart.";
CanBeConfused = false;
AttackStyle = USE_HEAD;
BaseBiteStrength = 100000;
DestroysWalls = true;
AllowUnconsciousness = false;
Dethmachina the Dragon of The Darkness Flame
DefaultArmStrength = 900;
DefaultAgility = 900;
DefaultEndurance = 900;
DefaultPerception = 900;
DefaultIntelligence = 900;
DefaultWisdom = 900;
DefaultCharisma = 900;
DefaultMana = 900;
TamingDifficulty = 0;
IsNameable = false;
IsUnique = true;
TotalVolume = 1000000;
TorsoBitmapPos = 1, 32;
DefaultName = "Dethmachina";
TotalSize = 250;
NameSingular = "Dragon of The Darkness Flame";
IsPolymorphable = false;
CanBeGenerated = false;
Alias == "Dethmachina";
CWeaponSkillHits == 1000;
PanicLevel = 0;
CanBeCloned = true;
HostileReplies == "@Dd roars horribly: "DiE hUmAn!!"";
BloodMaterial = DARK_FROG_BLOOD;
SkinColor = rgb16(60, 60, 60);
BaseBiteStrength = 1500;
FleshMaterial = ELPURI_FLESH;
DeathMessage = "@Dd groans horribly and drops @sp head.";
AttachedGod = MORTIFER;
CanTalk = true;
CanBeConfused = false;
AttackStyle = USE_HEAD;
KnownCWeaponSkills == BITE;
MoveType = FLY;
DestroysWalls = true;
AllowUnconsciousness = false;
Decrasia the Nuclear-Powered Death Generator
DefaultArmStrength = 16;
DefaultAgility = 8;
DefaultEndurance = 30;
DefaultPerception = 24;
DefaultIntelligence = 12;
DefaultWisdom = 8;
DefaultCharisma = 20;
DefaultMana = 0;
TotalVolume = 60000;
TorsoBitmapPos = 256, 32;
TotalSize = 250;
Adjective = "Nuclear-Powered";
NameSingular = "Death Generator";
DefaultName = "Decrasia";
AttackStyle = USE_HEAD;
BaseBiteStrength = 600;
SkinColor = rgb16(111, 64, 37);
TorsoMainColor = rgb16(0, 160, 0); /* the leaves */
TorsoSpecialColor = rgb16(160, 0, 0);
KnownCWeaponSkills == BITE;
CWeaponSkillHits == 100;
PanicLevel = 0;
TamingDifficulty = 0;
IsNameable = false;
IsUnique = true;
DeathMessage = "@Dd hums faster for a moment, and then explodes and the surrounding area is showered with small metal fragments.";
BaseEmitation = rgb24(140, 100, 100);
FleshMaterial = STEEL;
AttachedGod = MORTIFER;
IsPlant = true;
CanOpen = false;
HostileReplies == "@Dd hums angrily.";
FriendlyReplies == "@Dd hums joyfully.";
ClassStates = INFRA_VISION;
HasALeg = false;
SpillsBlood = false;
Sweats = false;
StandVerb = "rooted";
IsRooted = true;
AllowUnconsciousness = false;
Sex = MALE;
DefaultArmStrength = 4;
DefaultAgility = 2;
DefaultEndurance = 7;
DefaultPerception = 6;
DefaultIntelligence = 3;
DefaultWisdom = 2;
DefaultCharisma = 3;
DefaultMana = 0;
CanOpen = false;
TotalVolume = 20000;
TorsoBitmapPos = 224, 16;
HostileReplies == "@Dd shrieks angrily.";
FriendlyReplies == "@Dd stares at you.";
TotalSize = 100;
Adjective = "Flesh-Eating";
NameSingular = "Ghoul";
AttackStyle = USE_HEAD;
CreateDivineConfigurations = true;
BaseBiteStrength = 300;
SkinColor = rgb16(111, 64, 37);
TorsoMainColor = rgb16(0, 160, 0); /* the leaves */
/* TorsoSpecialColor (the flower) is random */
CanBeGenerated = true;
KnownCWeaponSkills == BITE;
CWeaponSkillHits == 20;
PanicLevel = 0;
ClassStates = INFRA_VISION;
HasALeg = false;
FleshMaterial = DAEMON_FLESH;
DeathMessage = "@Dd is spared a tormenting life.";
SpillsBlood = true;
Sweats = false;
StandVerb = "standing";
AttachedGod = MORTIFER;
IsPlant = false;
IsRooted = false;
AllowUnconsciousness = false;
CanChoke = false;
AttributeBonus = 175;
TorsoBitmapPos = 224, 16;
Adjective = "Greater Flesh-Eating";
BaseBiteStrength = 500;
CWeaponSkillHits == 50;
TotalVolume = 30000;
TotalSize = 175;
Config GIANT;
AttributeBonus = 250;
TorsoBitmapPos = 224, 16;
Adjective = "Giant Flesh-Eating";
BaseBiteStrength = 700;
CWeaponSkillHits == 100;
TotalVolume = 40000;
TotalSize = 250;
IsEnormous = true;
Chaingun(put under wands)
Config GUN;
Possibility = 5;
Price = 100000;
MainMaterialConfig == STEEL;
BitmapPos = 80, 0;
NameSingular = "chaingun";
DefaultMainVolume = 300;
BeamRange = 7;
StrengthModifier = 500;
MinCharges = 50;
MaxCharges = 50;
BeamColor = BLACK;
BeamEffect = BEAM_STRIKE;
AttachedGod = MORTIFER;
IsKamikazeWeapon = true;
BreakMsg = "explodes.";
Wand of Apocalypse(put under wands)
Possibility = 10;
Price = 500;
PostFix = "of apocalypse";
MainMaterialConfig == STEEL;
BeamRange = 100;
MinCharges = 10;
MaxCharges = 10;
BeamColor = YELLOW;
BeamEffect = BEAM_FIRE_BALL;
AttachedGod = MORTIFER;
BreakEffectRangeSquare = 99;
IsKamikazeWeapon = true;
BreakMsg = "explodes into a huge swirling cloud of fire and smoke";