Whip of taming

Feb 6, 2014, 1:36 pm
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Hey I was wondering how taming worked so I looked at the code for a bit. I've decided it might be fun to create a specialised whip I call a whip of taming.
I need to look at the code some more, but I promise I will post here again, right after I have some dinner.

I imagine mistress whip champions who are able to whip your friends into submission
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Feb 6, 2014, 5:29 pm
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Well, I tried it out and this is the result. Not sure if it is unbalanced, but it works.
Here is the code, it is all you need:

ITEM(tamingwhip, whip)
  virtual truth HitEffect(character*, character*, v2, int, int, truth);
  virtual truth NefasHelps(ccharacter*, ccharacter*) const;

truth tamingwhip::HitEffect(character* Enemy, character* Hitter, v2 HitPos, int BodyPartIndex, int Direction, truth BlockedByArmour)
  truth BaseSuccess = meleeweapon::HitEffect(Enemy, Hitter, HitPos, BodyPartIndex, Direction, BlockedByArmour);

  if(!IsBroken() && Enemy->IsEnabled() && NefasHelps(Enemy, Hitter)) // need to work out if nefas can help
    if(Enemy->IsPlayer() || Hitter->IsPlayer() || Enemy->CanBeSeenByPlayer() || Hitter->CanBeSeenByPlayer())
			ADD_MESSAGE("%s whip asks for the help of Nefas as it tames %s.", Hitter->CHAR_PERSONAL_PRONOUN, Enemy->CHAR_DESCRIPTION(DEFINITE));
				if(Enemy->GetTeam() == Hitter->GetTeam())
					ADD_MESSAGE("%s seems to be very happy.", Enemy->CHAR_NAME(DEFINITE));
				else if(Enemy->GetRelation(Hitter) == HOSTILE)
					ADD_MESSAGE("%s stops fighting.", Enemy->CHAR_NAME(DEFINITE));
					ADD_MESSAGE("%s seems to be very friendly towards you.", Enemy->CHAR_NAME(DEFINITE));
				ADD_MESSAGE("%s refuses to be mastered by the whip.", Enemy->CHAR_NAME(DEFINITE));


    return true;
    return BaseSuccess;

truth tamingwhip::NefasHelps(ccharacter* Enemy, ccharacter* Hitter) const
    if(game::GetGod(NEFAS)->GetRelation() < 0) // must have positive relation
      return false;
      return !(RAND() % (20 - game::GetGod(NEFAS)->GetRelation() / 150)); // return a chance to proceed
    return !(RAND() % 20); // there is always a remote chance

truth CanTameWithWhip(const character*) const;

truth character::CanTameWithWhip(const character* Tamer) const
  int TamingDifficulty = GetTamingDifficulty();

  if(TamingDifficulty == NO_TAMING)
    return false;

  int Modifier = Tamer->GetAttribute(DEXTERITY) + Tamer->GetAttribute(CHARISMA);

    Modifier += game::GetGod(NEFAS)->GetRelation() / 20;
  else if(Tamer->GetAttachedGod() == NEFAS)
    Modifier += 50;

  if(TamingDifficulty == 0)
      TamingDifficulty = int(10 * GetRelativeDanger(Tamer));
      TamingDifficulty = 10 * GetHPRequirementForGeneration()
			 / Max(Tamer->GetHP(), 1);

  return Modifier >= TamingDifficulty * 3;

tamingwhip /* meleeweapon->whip-> */
  DefaultSize = 250;
  Possibility = 10;
  DefaultMainVolume = 1200;
  DefaultSecondaryVolume = 50;
  StrengthModifier = 20;
  NameSingular = "whip of taming";
  MainMaterialConfig == BLACK_LEATHER;
  SecondaryMaterialConfig == ROSE_QUARTZ;
  Roundness = 2;
  FormModifier = 20; /* this is multiplied by MainMaterial's flexibility */
  Price = 800;
  AttachedGod = NEFAS;
  WieldedBitmapPos = 160, 224;
  EnchantmentMinusChance = 50;
  EnchantmentPlusChance = 50;

EDIT: Just like to say, there's an horrifyingly unbalanced bug in the above code. Here's a clue: Think about what will happen if a mistress successfully tames the player character...
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Feb 11, 2014, 5:21 am
mutant ass

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I'm actually wondering what does happen if the player get tamed by an enemy?

Do you lose control of you character?
and the poor tamed human follows the whip mistress until he starves to death or dies from.....from.....IVAN causes?

Does the game speed up as if you've been knocked out by a blow to the head? or like when you are resting?

Does it just crash?

What if you get tamed by the whip mistress and stop attacking her....but she doesn't stop whipping you...
Ivan's Still Alive and Kicking!
Feb 11, 2014, 5:36 am
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The player gets moved to the "team" the taming monster belongs to.
This has been used as a Wizmode exploit referred to as "diplomatic immunity" where you'd possess the Gloomy Cave shopkeeper and use him to tame the player.

Since the shopkeeper has his own team (just him and the guards) and has special properties (can't trigger aggravation from any other team except the player's) you can then re-possess the player and have him run around Attnam lopping peoples' limbs off without fear of setting off the alarm and getting slaughtered.

Speaking of, that's going to be an issue if the whip of taming is used against the player as you'd instantly be attacked when you returned to town and also the monsters would become friendly to you right down to Elpuri and Oree.
Of course an easy fix would be to add "CanBeTamed = False" or w/e the actual tag is to playerkind in the script.
System would indicate in graphic if person is mounted on horse or not.
Same system also show if person mounted on boar, elephant, polar bear etc.
Or if person mounted on ass.
Ivan find mounting on ass funny.
Feb 11, 2014, 7:38 am
mutant ass

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4zb4 wrote
Of course an easy fix would be to add "CanBeTamed = False" or w/e the actual tag is to playerkind in the script.

Ah yes the char.dat file.
SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.
DefaultArmStrength = 10;
DefaultLegStrength = 10;
DefaultDexterity = 10;
DefaultAgility = 10;
DefaultEndurance = 10;
DefaultPerception = 10;
DefaultIntelligence = 10;
DefaultWisdom = 10;
DefaultCharisma = 10;
DefaultMana = 10;
DefaultMoney = 45;
TorsoBitmapPos = 32, 416;
LegBitmapPos = 0, 416;
TotalVolume = 80000;
TotalSize = 175;
CanRead = true;
NameSingular = "human";
AttachedGod = SEGES;
DisplacePriority = 2;
Inventory == amulet(AMULET_OF_LIFE_SAVING) { Times = BONUS_LIVES; }
UndeadVersions = false;
IsRangedAttacker = false; /* AI only */
WhatCategoryToThrow = NONE;
WhatWeaponConfigToThrow = NONE;
WhatThrowItemTypesToThrow = NONE;

I did have a mess around with that before just to get an understand of how things tick.
I made it so my player doesn't get leprosy
as well as making it so kobold flesh doesn't make you unconscious, mutant bunnies don't randomly polymorph you into a......well a random creature...but most of the time i just get a small spider that gets stepped on by the next creature.

Also had a mess around with foods...making
banana flesh giving overfed...
bread at first made you starve to death....heh
Sulfuric acid....nothing would survive in it.

Obviously i can't count any achievement or victory legit but its nice to have a minor change
Ivan's Still Alive and Kicking!
Feb 11, 2014, 7:47 am
Joined: Dec 11, 2008
Posts: 1,770
IIRC Polymorphing into a bad creature is intentional. It's something like a 75% chance to turn the caster into something better, and 25% to something terrible (e.g. large spider, puppy, carnivorous plant), and the inverse for hostiles.

If you're interested in learning to do more with the script files, check out the thread I made here alongside this guide which is also linked in that topic.
System would indicate in graphic if person is mounted on horse or not.
Same system also show if person mounted on boar, elephant, polar bear etc.
Or if person mounted on ass.
Ivan find mounting on ass funny.
Feb 11, 2014, 7:56 am
mutant ass

Joined: Feb 5, 2014
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4zb4 wrote
If you're interested in learning to do more with the script files, check out the thread I made here alongside this guide which is also linked in that topic.


I might as well give it a try,
since recently I learned Java.
[Creating an object Oriented computer program using Java]
As I've alot of ...once you learn a programming language its easier to learn others...
Ivan's Still Alive and Kicking!
Feb 11, 2014, 9:16 am
Joined: Dec 11, 2008
Posts: 1,770
Heh, the script files are nowhere near as difficult to pick up on as Java (which should say something since Java isn't particularly tough either) so you should be fine all the way.
System would indicate in graphic if person is mounted on horse or not.
Same system also show if person mounted on boar, elephant, polar bear etc.
Or if person mounted on ass.
Ivan find mounting on ass funny.
Feb 11, 2014, 10:35 am
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4zb4 wrote
IIRC Polymorphing into a bad creature is intentional. It's something like a 75% chance to turn the caster into something better, and 25% to something terrible (e.g. large spider, puppy, carnivorous plant), and the inverse for hostiles.

If you're interested in learning to do more with the script files, check out the thread I made here alongside this guide which is also linked in that topic.

When you say "the caster" you mean if you zap yourself with the wand?
Feb 11, 2014, 3:15 pm
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4zb4 wrote
"diplomatic immunity"

Yeah, once the player character gets tamed to the monster side you go down to UT for a picnic and everyone is your friend.

You're right, the basic solution is to set TamingDifficulty = NO_TAMING; for "playerkind". Or it could be hard-coded.
Otherwise the whip of taming might be a bad idea...

EireMadHatter wrote
Obviously i can't count any achievement or victory legit but its nice to have a minor change
I use untampered vanilla 0.50 for my legit games. But I like making the odd modification too, which I do in CLIVAN. In the screenshot above, I turned the ground in New Attnam to ice (and the palm tree trunks to silver) to see how it would look. Just trying to get a feel for whether icy ground would be suitable for a new dungeon theme.
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Feb 11, 2014, 7:37 pm
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capristo wrote
When you say "the caster" you mean if you zap yourself with the wand?

I meant whoever casts the spell. So yes, if you cast it on yourself or if a monster casts it on itself, as opposed to you casting polymorph on an enemy or a monster casting polymorph on you.
System would indicate in graphic if person is mounted on horse or not.
Same system also show if person mounted on boar, elephant, polar bear etc.
Or if person mounted on ass.
Ivan find mounting on ass funny.
Feb 11, 2014, 9:50 pm
Joined: Dec 2, 2007
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Can poly casters polymorph themselves? I guess a chameleon is polymorphing itself. No wonder they turn into golems so often
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