You read it right. The Boner Challenge. Boot up LIVAN, and enter Wizard Mode. You are allowed to fully equip yourself with non-artifact equipment, your stats must remain the same. You are required to turn all of your armor, excluding your cloak, into bone (Yes, bone. Not ommel.). You may use a weapon made of bone, two if needed. You are not allowed to use any other items besides items made of bone-like material. Your character must be alligned with evil gods. You may give yourself one Wand of Necromancy. Once every 12 hours, in game, you are allowed to summon a undead creature, and befriend it. You are /required/ to pick up every bone and skull you come across. What else you do, is your choice, as long as you do an ending... And yes. Any ending is allowed. Just follow the instructions.
And no cheating to raise your stats!