The Cathedral of Attnam


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Improved Weapons Slightly
1. A generalist guide detailing my opinions on certain weapons and tips/trick for clearing levels all the way to [[Elpuri]] and even the [[Lower Gloomy Caves]] (though spottier in the latter section)
2. A spoiler guide chalk-full of dirtier tricks for everything allowed in the game. This means anything that the game allows is allowed, even if it's likely not intended. This section does '''not''' contain save scumming and code modification, which I don't bother to link as it completely takes the fun out of the game. This section will be marked with a '''Second second spoiler warning'''.
Many of these general tips are applicable through later versions, especially if you plan on taking on GC. Most of the exploits have been patched in the later versions, but feel free to experiment on any of them, wiz mode is great for testing out all your odd ideas (note that wiz mode in later version may allow some rules that aren't possible normally, such as wishing for ommel materials or cloning certain scrolls, so do be careful)
Weapons are an invaluable component in IVAN, dictating how much damage you are able to do to your enemies (unless for some reason you want to smack people with a frog head or use wield 2 shields) and knowing which ones are best


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