! Values
! Description
| <code>Dungeon</code>
| 0, 1, 2, ... , 64
| This is the dungeon enumerator variable. Enumerations 0 to 4 are occupied by the original dungeons with predefined variables like ATTNAM or ELPURI_CAVE.
| <code>Levels</code>
| 0, 1, 2, ...
| This determines the total number of levels in the dungeon.
| <code>Description</code>| "string"| This is a short name for the dungeon that shows up in the high score list explaining which dungeon the player died in.
| <code>ShortDescription</code>| "string"| |-| | | This is an even shorter name for the dungeon usually limited to two or three characters, for example "GC" for gloomy caves. It shows up on the side bar.