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Spoiler Warning: This page contains spoilers which may affect your IVAN experience negatively

There are two kinds of horns: one that induces fear, and one that soothes it. Both horns take time to 'recharge' their effects.

Horn of Fear

Horn Of Fear.gif

The Enner Beast will yield one when killed; you may also find one in a shop or just lying about.

Applying this tool will frighten off almost any hostile in the immediate vicinity. You cannot scare a Golem as they are emotionless magical constructs. Named Characters and Unique Monsters are also immune to the horn's effects.

Success message: "You produce a frightening, almost scream-like sound."

Failure message: "You produce a mighty sound."

Horn of Bravery

A Horn of Bravery

Shop and search for this tool, or get on the good side of Dulcis and hope she gives you one when you pray.

Applying this tool will negate Panic for you and any ally in a one-square radius.

Success message: "You produce a loud but calming sound."

Failure message: "You produce a mighty sound."

Weight reduction

The Horn of Fear can be hardened all the way to Green Light Crystal and the Horn of Bravery to Diamond. While as of yet horns are among the Invincible Items in all versions of IVAN (variants included), you might want to harden or SoCM the Horn of Bravery to a lighter material. The original Horn of Bravery weighs in at a whopping 4200 g - more than nearly all weapons and some armor!