The Cathedral of Attnam


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What is this? A challenger approaches! Cue story time:
You looked around, making sure nobody was watching you, then picked up the yellow ring off the ground and slid it onto your finger. Finders Keepers! Suddenly, an uncomfortable uncertainty of who you really are overwhelms you. Your body grows in a crimson light as you turn into-a [[valpurium]] [[golem]]!? Very cool. You flex your uber-powerful limbs and run amok, absolutely obliterating your enemies when suddenly, your body is hit by a spell of electricity. It barely hurts you, and you charge towards the source, full of confidence, when you turn back into yourself. Uh-oh. You body is annihilated out of existence by [[Ischaldirh]], the dark archmage and his [[octiron]] [[blunt weapons|quarterstaff+12]]. What just happened?
This unusual appearance of strong enemies despite your apparent weakness is known as Danger Level, which spawns enemies for you based on how strong the system thinks you are. The code behind it is very complicated, but it basically compares how long it would take for a monster to kill you compared to how long it would take you to kill them. The better your armor, weapons, and proficiency are, the more dangerous monsters are spawned. This '''does not''' mean you should avoid getting stronger, as enemies naturally get stronger over time, and once you get strong enough, you basically become invincible. '''Virtually all''' items are worth picking up, beside the ones listed below (most of which have to do with boosting your [[endurance]]), with the least danger-level increasing at the top and the most lethal at the bottom. Later in this guide, I will also include a section on how to beat the danger curve and what you can use when you do so (see miscellaneous).
==Level 64 Skills==
In older versions of [[IVAN]] (feel free to ignore this if you play a more current version), the devs forgot to patch improving weapon skills, so if you train with an item for long enough, your skill level with it will jump from 19 to 64! Of course, you've turned your effectiveness to +325%, tripling your damage, making enemies all the stronger.
As mentioned in the example, polymorphing into other creatures doesn't bode well. If by some chance you end up with a strong monster/golem, you've also artificially boosted your danger level greatly, but once your return to your true form, the danger stays high but your strength goes, leaving you in a lot of trouble. This can destroy runs if you end up spawning named enemies with your high health.
==Artificial Limbs==
Something more dangerous than polymorphing? Yes. With a rare [[scroll of change material]] or a good prayer (see gods), you gain the ability to change a limb into another material. These materials usually have Astr/Lstr multiple times stronger than human flesh, are much harder to damage... and shoot your health sky high. Since the limb is so helpfully hard to remove, and since your life depends on individual body parts rather than your total health, this is a easy way to get screwed.
Now that you've read all these unfortunate traps, see miscellaneous for how to beat the danger curve. Once you do, you can begin using whatever you want.


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