The Cathedral of Attnam


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530 bytes added ,  20:19, 31 October 2013
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'''--Spider Eating--'''
You will have to enter into the Underwater Tunnel to start this preparation, but it half-way occurs on the overworld. The idea is that you dive into the dungeon with a full stomach, eat your dog, find a couple of spiders (or other poisonous corpses), take them to the overworld, eat them one at a time, and then rest as the poison damages you. This may seem like suicide, but it will give you an early boost in Hit Points. I find this to be the most risky method of preparation, as more often than not I die from hunger later on since I can't find any food. Of course, if you're willing to blow all your money early on for bananas from the shop, then you're a little safer from dying from hunger, but still this is a risky move.
Because of the variable nature of this game, I cannot possibly account for every possible situation you might encounter. However, I can equip you with knowledge for what you generally might encounter, and how to counter it. Thus you cannot follow each of these instructions to a "T" every time. They are more like guidelines, or ideas to help you get your brain thinking. The ultimate idea to become a good IVAN player is to be able to assess what resources you have at any moment and adapt to the situation at hand with them. '''--Enter the Tunnel--'''* LIGHT: Grab and equip the lantern on the wall* WEAPON: Feel free to experiment with whatever weapon styles you wish. However, here are some pros and cons of the weapons you may find in the game.


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