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Posted by payo, Jun 19, 2011 at 9:34 pm
You just leave the 4 plants around the exit to UT alive, then you let them hit you over and over until your chest has red lines on it. Go up and run around until your HP recovers to pink chest, then repeat.
Posted by payo, Jun 19, 2011 at 7:05 pm
I have another question. Is there a tactical advantage to using the belt of levitation? What does levitation actually do combat-wise?

Also, (edit) does being hasted or slowed increase or decrease the number of attacks you can do per turn?
Posted by payo, Jun 19, 2011 at 6:23 pm
Hi, I want to make the ultimate fighter. But I have a few questions...

Is Armor of Great Health a better tactical choice? Or just regular armor?

I think that lighter weapons mean a greater number of attacks per turn. Is this true? Also, in view of this, is a pheonix feather whip +11 the ultimate weapon or would that be the phoenix feather whip of thievery +11? Or maybe a different material?

Is there a way to wish for a can of ommel snot or change material anything to ommel snot?