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Posted by ndwthemusicman, Nov 17, 2010 at 5:28 pm
Hi guys,

Just wanted to introduce myself to the community. Kinda a newb, been playin ivan off an on for about...oh i dunno a few weeks. Died A LOT. Good times.

Best death thus far: Survived the Kamazee Dwarf, survived the ensuing explosion of my wand of fireballs, survived the ensuing breaking of my lighting wand, survived the breaking of my wand of door creation, but when my 2nd wand of fireballs broke, it blew open the doors, and a lizard man stabbed me in the gut.

Was hilllllaaaarrrriiiioooouuuuussss....

Anyway, I've been reading the forums a bunch and the tips are great. ANy super usefull stuff you guys wana share?

The Music Man