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Posted by boneyman46, Nov 2, 2019 at 9:50 pm
I'd be happy to point you to / write out a detailed guide on this front if you like
, yes please.

Some additional things i found out:
Horn of healing affects your allies in at least a two tile radius, and heals them fully just like you.
And its an unbreakable infinite full hp restore that takes one turn to apply, and is awesome
The horn of fear applies panic, and from what i can find it doesn't go against any stat check, just checking for immunity. Neither Sherarax nor Elpuri nor Oree have that, meaning you can just wail on them with higher agility or zap them from range without taking hits if you can get them within one tile and before they attack, apply the horn of fear.
maybe you can tame a powerful named enemy?
Some uniques cant be tamed. Genetrix Vesana cant be even with a wand of resurrection, and neither can Shererax from the wiki page
Posted by boneyman46, Nov 2, 2019 at 8:30 pm
Playing in .57, and with a slight slaughter of Tweraif and selling of their golden temple to the black market, I've got quite a selection of instruments, including two horns of plenty and two lyres of charming. I have thirty-ish charisma from selling lots of gold, and I want to tame everything I can. Most of the guards in Attnam and the black market are resistant to my charisma, but i already have four veteran guards charmed to my side and stopped a kamikaze dwarf by getting him one square from me and then charming him.
I've included a screenshot of my current stats, and any advice on how to proceed would be awesome.

Also, is there any list or way to see the taming difficulty of individual mobs?