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Posted by Knoppi, Dec 6, 2007 at 7:08 pm
I love you man <3
Posted by Knoppi, Dec 6, 2007 at 4:34 pm
Ok this is kind of fatal, you can't go up or down stairs becouse nothing happends when you press < or shift+<, you can try "Alternative keys" but then you can't move.
mine is: ASUS laptop
os: Win Vista

I have played IVAN for few years now with my other comptuter so the problem can't be the user this time.

an idea: Isn't IVAN source code released in public? If it is, maybe one could modify it to read the key set from a text file so anyone could decide their own key sets.

Posted by Knoppi, Dec 5, 2007 at 7:49 pm
One improvement I realy wish for is that IVAN would read key set from a text file. and why is this? pls read

It would be useful if somebody created a better sound pack for it.
I could start working on that, music and sounds are my area.