Scars are forever!
The game will ask you if you want to continue the interrupted action and will remember that you already took half the time required to take a sip, so it's possible to finish a command even when interrupted.
But yeah, golems can be !!FUN!!. You had a wand of invisibility and at early GC levels it's often better to just zap yourself and run from the golem.
wizard44 wrote
I did not get the memo that the elite guard taming trick was removed.
Elite guards can still be tamed, but while in 0.50 all taming was successful, now you roll you Charisma to see if you succeed and stronger monsters are more resistant.
BTW worrying about food is quite normal in IVAN.
* There's quite some food in the Attnam store. It's expensive, but better than starving.
* You'll find food in the Gloomy Caves, you just have to keep exploring.
* Have a look at the holy books in the library shop. Mellis will fill your empty bottles and cans with potions or food. Seges will feed you when you're hungry, Silva and Nefas will feed you when you're at least very hungry.
Note that it's better to pray to gods of consistent alignment and to wait several hours between prayers, or they might get angry. But you can pray to several gods close in alignment and get the benefits of all of them. You had a holy book of Mellis, so food should not have had been a problem (I'm sure I screwed up the conjugation, but it sounds fun).
If you get to Attnam again, have a look in the shop if there is a ring of fire resistance / cloak of fire resistance. If so, buy it and you should be fine in Gloomy Caves. Even without it, it's not impossible to survive, it's just more based on luck.