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Posted by red_kangaroo, Apr 19, 2017 at 8:10 am
chaostrom wrote
Implementing stone armour to be "useless and cumbersome" means we still end up with junk armour that nobody uses.

I think the idea was that it would have sky-high AV, way over current top plate mails, but also high weight and penalties. We could make it work, even if for only some characters.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Apr 19, 2017 at 4:24 am
Ischaldirh wrote
(new plate mail proposal)

I really like this!

4zb4 wrote
We could implement my stone armor to replace the plate mail as "most useless and cumbersome" armor.

I also like this idea! In all seriousness, how cool would it be to walk around in glowing light crystal armor?
Posted by red_kangaroo, Apr 17, 2017 at 1:22 pm
Ischaldirh wrote
Cloth armor: (Effectively) no penalties, low weight, poor-to-moderate protection
Chain mail: Moderate penalties, moderate-to-low weight, moderate-to-good protection
Plate armor: Substantial penalties, high-to-moderate weight, good protection
AoGH: .... Everything is bad, nevermind

Right now, it's more like:

Cloth armor: No penalties, low weight, sufficient-to-good protection (leather is good enough for early game, end game cloth materials like GEF are nearly unsurpassed)
Chain mail: Moderate penalties, moderate weight, moderate protection (yeah, this one is passable, but not as good as cloth, IMO)
Plate armor: Substantial penalties, high-to-moderate weight, moderate-to-good protection (only end game metals may be worth it, and not always)
AoGH: Yeah...

Basically, cloth is OP right now.

I like the different damage type reductions for different armor, but I still think we should try to have the least armor types possible, not add new ones, because then SoCM would open a whole can of mind worms...
Posted by red_kangaroo, Apr 13, 2017 at 3:54 am
chaostrom wrote
in-game there is no real distinction between "soft" and "hard" armours

Speaking of which, we could make soft gauntlets be called "gloves" and soft boots "shoes", just for the extra flavor. These are like 2 lines in script files, AFAIK.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Apr 13, 2017 at 2:39 am
4zb4 wrote
I was initially going to say that having no penalty for chain was a bad idea because it'd take a fat dump on cloth armors, but then I had a think about it and it might actually not be a bad idea after all - because there's still "soft" penalties to using chainmail, namely the facts that it's still heavy as anything to a point and it's susceptible to rust.

This was my line of thinking. Early game, you have to worry about carrying weight quite a bit, so low metal chain and (hard) leather armor would both have its pros and cons. Later, you would have access to both high-end soft armors and (rebalanced) plate, so chain should still not be OP / always the best choice.

I'm not sure how well would it actually work, though.

Ischaldirh wrote
I think one of the difficulties here is that due to the way the game works at present, any adjustment made to plate armor will also affect soft armor. (...) If we want to target *just* metal plate armor for balance changes, we might need to create a new item type, which of course presents complications with regards to item spawn rate weights...

If we change the way of how stat penalties are calculated rather than adjusting flexibility of materials, that should only affect armors, shouldn't it? Plus soft armors already have next to no stat penalty, so the effect on them would hopefully not be dramatic.

I would try to avoid creating a new item type. Someone would then SoCM armor balanced for soft materials into metal or vice versa and we're right at the beginning.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Apr 12, 2017 at 4:37 am
I think the stat penalties are the most off-putting on all stiff armors. With no (for chain) or much lower (for plate) penalties, I think I could cope with the high weight and actually use metal armor. Meteoric steel armor could then be really nice with Loricatus.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Apr 11, 2017 at 3:10 pm
Ischaldirh wrote
Most players stick with the best soft armor they can find, and leave plate armor to rust in the dungeon.

see (

Based on this thread and the discussion above, plus my own experience, metal armor really isn't that good. It's heavy, has crippling stat penalties and its AV is nearly matched by good enough soft armor.

I don't think this should be the case. While it's definitely good to have some sub-par or questionable choices, double-edged, even useless items, I don't think it's good to shoehorn the player to only one type of armor. We have so many cool and interesting metals, why don't we make them interesting to use as well?

So, what would you say if we (some or all of below):

* decreased the penalties from stiff armor (not cloaks),
* increased AV bonuses of stiff armor (bulky and heavy, but very protective),
* decreased AV bonuses of soft armor (it's already too good anyway, also RE: GEF limbs),
* made AoGH somewhat better (it's already tradeoff enough to get the increase in danger level, making it also heavy and with lower AV is a bit of an overkill; plus it's pretty rare).

Posted by red_kangaroo, Apr 9, 2017 at 12:52 pm
Hello and welcome!

Inconspicuous wrote
I lost all my limbs, and died.

This game is amazing.

Yes. Yes, it is.

Inconspicuous wrote
So, a few questions:
1: How do I re-attach dismembered limbs?

Pray to gods or pay to priests. Also troll blood (and healing liquid) can regrow your limbs.

Inconspicuous wrote
2: How do I increase my carrying capacity?

Mostly through higher LStr. You can train your LStr by walking around burdened, or artificially through boots of strength. You can also wear (and enchant) a belt of carrying.

Inconspicuous wrote
3: How do I dip my sword in vodka and light it?

fejoa? We've got a request!

Unfortunately, for now you can only dip your sword into vodka ('!' command) and make your enemies drunk through your attacks.

Inconspicuous wrote
4: Tips on beating that first boss?

Wands or good weapon and armor. If you want more spoilers

SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.
* single zap from wand of teleport will send it elsewhere on the level, no need to kill her, just exit through the stairs and come later, better equipped
* backpacks of gunpowder and mines can be thrown at her, then ignited with a wand of fireballs or striking
* vodka makes her confused and randomly attacking her own plants
* don't fight her at all, eat mushrooms until you get levitation instead, and then go back to the overworld map and fly over the ocean

Inconspicuous wrote
5: Tips on not getting massacred by hedgehogs?

Offer bloody sacrifices to the High God of All Things Spiky while chanting "All hail the mighty Hedgehog!"

Joking aside, don't fight them bare-handed, use any gauntlets or weapon (any weapon at all), as those will stop their spines from destroying your arms. They still can kick your ass, but you will take less damage and thus have much better chance of survival.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Mar 29, 2017 at 7:15 am
Ischaldirh wrote
Do we have a beginners guide anywhere?

We have this. JoKe's guide is very well written, IMO.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Feb 15, 2017 at 1:47 pm
Well, value would probably not be measured in grams.

But wands are very valuable, their effects can be a life saver. Just drop whatever you won't be using right then next to stairs, so you can return for it later when needed and don't need to remeber where you left it.