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Posted by fejoa, Jul 21, 2015 at 8:18 pm
That's a great move. I wonder if we can get some redirect messages and links on the sourceforge pages for IVAN? I will get on to CLIVAN's sourceforge and put some messages up about the github project.
Posted by fejoa, Jun 30, 2015 at 5:46 am
Batman? wrote
I recently had a post where I got 2 minefields and 2 werewolves due to bones files. i would say that needs to be corrected, but I still died a short while later. given how adept the game is at ending your life, i see this as a minor bonus that should stay in the game.

Batman? is our great researcher Two minefields makes it twice as risky, right?
Bones can be the path to victory, but you have to die a lot first. So PC death is the key to victory.
Posted by fejoa, Jun 28, 2015 at 2:09 am
Ok fair enough, I agree it clutters the game. I stood the merge request down (lucky thing it has its own branch ). I did wonder whether it would be the most suitable way of giving the player a hint.

I still feel like preventing bones generation on shop levels and on the chest level seems an arbitrary way of controlling against (conceivably) some cheaty benefit for the player.
Does anyone know what the consequences are if bones can be generated on, for example, the shop level?
Posted by fejoa, Jun 26, 2015 at 6:45 am
Sorry for the double post.
zenith wrote
Regarding the mixture of spaces and tabs in the code, and some slight variations on coding styles, etc.:

I think that, especially now that multiple people have started contributing to the project, we should establish a set of explicit rules, some kind of "IVAN coding standard / style guide", to help keep the codebase consistent and clean, as it was at the time of the original v0.50 release.

Regarding DJGPP, I agree that it clutters the graphics code a bit, but just last year I ran IVAN on my ancient computer with DOS (just for fun) and it actually worked. So I think it's a nice feature to have, and it would be a shame to just throw it away, even though nobody uses DOS on a daily basis. (Also it adds geek value.)

I think it is a good idea to move on C++11, and I will support it. As to coding style, for starters is it ok if we stick to "BSD style", with two-space indentation?
Posted by fejoa, Jun 26, 2015 at 4:46 am
To this end, I propose an enhancement
Posted by fejoa, Jun 26, 2015 at 1:16 am
That reminds me I still need to put up a comprehensive list of new features regarding the fire subsystem.
Posted by fejoa, Jun 25, 2015 at 7:14 am
Cap can you try the version in the attachement to this post? It's compiled with SDL 2.0.4. I fear it might have the same problem with the (g)o button as before. All the same, see if it works better.
Attached files (2.01 MB)
Posted by fejoa, Jun 22, 2015 at 5:28 am
After some fooling around in git, there is a new windows release here:

IVAN 0.50.3

It ships with the 32-bit version of SDL2.dll

Thanks to Murlock and Zenith for the patch to SDL 2.0, it is a huge milestone.
Posted by fejoa, Jun 14, 2015 at 10:12 pm
Throw backpack at him and blast with wand of fireballs?
Posted by fejoa, Jun 13, 2015 at 1:44 am
murlock wrote

I've made a preliminary port of Ivan with SDL2 ( )

If you are interested to integrate it, I'll finish support as few tasks remains (partial keyboard support, cleanup code (removing djgpp ?), and autoconf integration)

Murlock, an old player of Ivan 15 years ago

Yes we are interested to integrate this Thanks so much for taking the time to do this Murlock, this is probably one of the most important things to be done in the project.