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Posted by fejoa, Mar 3, 2015 at 1:44 am
4zb4 wrote
Rings of searching are made of oak wood, so it makes sense that they'd catch fire.

On a semi-related note can we make a change so you can now dip anything into liquids? It'd be much more convenient than say, smashing a bottle of water over myself to wash off assassin blood.
...or does our new update let you do that now?

I've made an issue on the repo.
The difficulty in getting this to work is that at present only a subset of objects in the game (say, meleeweapons) support the fluid subsystem. Up until now there has been no need to cover a misc item such as a ring with a liquid. Making this fire subsystem is conducive to expanding out the fluid subsystem. (Curiously, it follows that a ring made from iron does not rust, at least at present).
Posted by fejoa, Mar 1, 2015 at 11:10 pm
Well, at the moment, the only way to make things catch on fire is to get caught up in an explosion. Fire propagation has not been facilitated yet, and will be the subject of further development. I'm adding issues to the development branch

Edit: The phoenix feather thing still needs a little bit of work, like for example a message indicating that the phoenix feather material has been restored, and maybe a temporary imitation increase.
Posted by fejoa, Mar 1, 2015 at 4:47 pm
Ok there is a release available. Scroll down and you will find

I made a real hash job of releasing, but at least it is a start. I'd love to find a simple way of creating a changelog and making it available in the repo somewhere?
Posted by fejoa, Mar 1, 2015 at 6:00 am
Hehe, the merge request is up. Once merged then I will update my local copy of the IVAN051-develop branch and compile a binary for testing.
Posted by fejoa, Mar 1, 2015 at 4:33 am
A flaming adamant sword does not sparkle.
Posted by fejoa, Mar 1, 2015 at 3:35 am
Maybe we should just leave it at 7, it's not a biggie.
Posted by fejoa, Feb 28, 2015 at 4:33 am
truth largecat::SpecialSaveLife()
  if(--Lives <= 0 || game::IsInWilderness())
    return false;

Looks like it is indeed 7. We can increase it to nine with our code repo if we feel so inclined...?

Is the benefit of the life-saving intrinsic bestowed on the player if she is polymorphed into a large cat?
Posted by fejoa, Feb 25, 2015 at 4:27 pm
Definitely Cap! It seems like we can also package binaries with each (pre-)release (see the github article on releases). Do you think we are ready to put out a pre-release for alpha-testing?
Posted by fejoa, Feb 25, 2015 at 4:03 am
Zayre wrote
I'd be game for doing bug testing.

So am I, because I have developed quite a bit of code and I would like that tested. I am thinking about how to manage the source at the moment. I think there should be a 0.51 branch called "IVAN051-develop" which is separate from master, where we can merge changes from various forks and feature branches into, without breaking the master branch, and where we can compile beta test versions of the game.
Once we have a stable tested 0.51 beta, we can merge that into master and then move onto 0.52 development, and so on.

OK so I added the branch IVAN051-develop. With this we can merge changes into this branch, including all the bugs, and have this compiled and play-tested. I am going to try to squash a couple more bugs on my local branch. Stand by for more action soon.
Posted by fejoa, Feb 10, 2015 at 8:31 am
Can we have alerts for IVAN community holy days?